Spa Formula 1 Race track Belgium

So I decided to find the Spa Race Track in Belgium. I found an airstrip called Spa something or other and took off from that in the Stearman which by the way sounds great and flies very well. Anyway, I found the track and flew around it, and the second time, I decided to land on the long straight going up the hill. Will surprised surprise when I stopped the track was covered in weeds. They had better fix this as Formula 1 is racing on it on the 29th of August. :grinning: :grinning: :smiley: :smiley:


I’ve landed on the drag strip at Hidden Valley Raceway in Darwin, Australia. Flown over a fair few other race tracks, they mostly render quite poorly up close but at a decent height they can look great. I also love spotting Karting tracks in towns and cities.

What we need is a mod that has cars racing round them, now that would be cool!


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