SPAD Next causing shutters with release version

I have a cockpit setup with Saitek panels and FIPS. Been using SPADNext for Alpha and Beta without issues. From the moment I started the release version I was getting 30FPS with shutters. Odd right.

Diagnosed it to SPAD Next when turned off sim runs smooth with it on I get shutters every few seconds. Again never happened in beta.

I opened a support ticket with them but their customer service is bad. So wondered if anyone else had that issue? SPAD is updated to the latest version.

There is an issue regarding Sim Connect Server of the sim. Any application uses Sim Connect causes stuttering. Spad Next is one of those. And since it is sim side, there is nothing 3rd party developers can do.

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Interesting it worked perfectly in beta

Yea, it was fixed at some stage in alpha, and was working fine in beta. It is quite frustrating, cause I use quite bit of external apps that depend on Sim Connect; FSE client, Spad Next, Simionics MFD&PFD, Navigraph Charts, etc… Hopefully they’ll give priority to this! I can live with not having access to some of those. But I have 13 panels, some of which does not natively recognised by MSFS. I “need to” use spad next.


What is best to use for a six pack and moving map? I was using remote flight on 2 iPads in my panel, both don’t work and haven’t.

If it worked in Alpha/Beta then that means the fix may not be long away.

Well hats off the SPAD next. They are responding,

MS Flightsimulator 2020 Framedrops when using SPAD.neXt are not a SPAD.neXt issue . It’s a problem in the release version of MSFS.
Somehow MSFS messed up with the high-performance simconnect code internally.
If you experience noticable FPS-Drops as soon as SPAD.neXt connects to it, try reducing your details.

Tickets have been opened with MS and Asobo.
Other tools (FSUIPC7 / VATSIM) face the same issue

It might not be as simple as that when it comes to bug fixes. It might be caused by a change to fix some other problem. You might not simply revert back.

Still, my fingers are crossed for a quick fix. :slight_smile:

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We don’t have any working alternatives at the moment as far as I know. You can try connecting one of the ipads as external display with Duet. Then use any local map app, like Little Nav Map in it. Be sure the check the temporary fix for sim connect issue.

About Remote Flight apps though. They are connected via FSUIPC. And a new version was released recently. Did you tried that? Might worth checking out.

I will seek out that new version thanks

i think this is the new simconnect sent out with this release. I get the stutters with all my addons that use simconnect… they worked good a couple days ago with alpha/beta… I just hope the devs will fix it soon. i live in flight sim… p3d is getting re-installed today… lol

I wish I could saw your post 12 hours ago, I was about to reinstall MSFS, I couldn´t bear with the stutters, read dozens of posts regarding Process Lasso and the “wonders” it made, it didn´t do nothing to me.
I launched the sim without spadnext just for sake and I couldn´t believe the stutters were gone.
I started looking in the forus about spadnext or simconnect and I found yours… so that´s confirmed.
I will have to use the sim without any panels whatsoever until a fix is placed.
Cheers to all

Always worth checking the Issues link at the top of this site to save yourself some pain :slight_smile:

The SimConnect issue is the first one listed.

in upcoming patch next week!

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Can someone explain where to install the new FSUIPC? I clicked on the exe for the new beta download and get an error. I’ve never had to install this so not sure how to?

Also is anyone using remote flight for iPads with MS2020? Mine won’t connect at all. Emailed support but no response. Thanks

my understanding is fsuipc7 is for this sim and stand alone. meaning u run the program manually as a 3rd party addon. keep in mind they are still working on it.