Mapping autothrottle disconnect

What do you guys map for the default autothrottle disconnect with

I could get ARM working which toggles it, though I don’t see the button press in the virtual cockpit (testing with Salty 747).

There doesn’t seem to be a matching event or variable
for the in-game binding of ATHR disconnect

Try this set to 0?

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Thanks, can’t remember if I tried so I tried again today.

It’s weird because it doesn’t set it to off every time, it actually Toggles it on and off.

Also the only way I know is because of the EICAS display shows it on and off, as well as a warning sound.
However the button on the throttle doesn’t move, and also the A/T switch on the MCP doesn’t move either. So something is missing.

I decided to make it a conditional event then by checking the variables to see if ATHR is ON or not, however all variables related to autothrottle show 0 even when it is armed. I guess I’ll have to send keys instead.

Hi! I use such variables.

enables the function AUTOPILOT THROTTLE

Affects the display of the switch in the cab

in both variables disables


Nice, I never saw XMLVAR_AUTO_THROTTLE_ARM_0_STATE before I’ll have to try it!

In the Salty 747 even the binding within MSFS doesn’t move the switch in the cab, so I’m hoping this works.


Not sure if you’re this deep into Spad yet, but the Event Monitor tab and Data Monitor tab are very useful. The Data Monitor will import any loaded data variables from the sim into Spad. The Event Monitor will show which sim-events are being used.

For some aircraft, depending on how the dev coded a feature, you may need to “send simulation-event”, on other aircraft you may need to “change data value”.

The Spad discord is usually a good place to look, and Les O’Reilly hangs around in there.

Ok, so I just clicked on the tab for online profiles, and entered salty in the search box.

I loaded up the profile for my logitech panels.

Salty AutoThrottle ON,

Salty AutoThrottle OFF,

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Thanks, agree the data monitor and events are very useful. However for the Salty 747 there is only one event seen and it just toggles. Something else is happening behind the scenes (@PavelGapich has got it right)

The Salty profile shown is a very good idea, without having the devices I do look at the XML sometimes (I wish there was a way to show devices that you don’t own in Spad).

However this profile they have mapped the event that TOGGLES. So if the switch is not synced on loading or if you switch it with the mouse, it is out of sync. Then switching off could actually switch on.
So for an ATHR Disconnect only button on the throttle it doesn’t really work as a toggle.

THIS sir is the key I needed to make it work, thank you!

It did still work as a TOGGLE initially, but I added one condition to check the state == 1 and that enables it to be a discreet OFF command. It animates the switch on the MCP, but not the throttle however this is fine (even the MSFS internal binding doesn’t animate the throttle).

This is the final result

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