Spadnext working with MSFS2024?

Hello guys, i am trying to configure my honeycomb bravo with spadnext for the Fenix A320, without success. I though the profile i had with MSFS2020 would just work fine with MSFS 2024 but for me it doesnt. Does anybody has already success with spadnext in the new sim, specially the Fenix A320?

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Very limited experience here, and none with the Fenix aircraft.

I had a problem with a SPAD profile not controlling the throtlle in the Optica, but finally realized there was a conflict with the in-sim controller bindings. Seems obvious, right? Once I deleted the Bravo bindings in-sim the SPAD profile worked perfectly.

Anyway, I’m findng the in-sim Controls UI pretty confusing. I’ll figure it out eventually, now that I’ve got my computer back up (I was having RAM problems and a water pump failure - both fixed as of this morning.)

I’d say it seems to be working. All I’ve checked so far is C152 JPL, where I used my existing spad profile from 2020 with no changes, after I obviously cleared all default in-game controls.

My spad profile includes Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo, Saitek radios and switch panels, Elgato Stream Decks etc. Most things seem to be working. Sure, there’s the usual stuff with electric buses and the like (where a cabin light here or a door there may not be working), which may need some remapping but the basic functions are there. I didn’t try yet to fix all the above issues, but they should hopefully be trivial.

Obviously with more advanced and complex aircraft, where lots and lots of manual configuration has been done in spad profiles (e.g. PMDG 737, Fenix etc) things may go south very quickly. But I think that we can be rest assured that any spad issues will be fixed way before Asobo fix issues on 2024 side.

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Update your LVAR bridge to get Spad working

Please keep in mind that you will have to install the LVAR Bridge seprately for MSFS2024. Just run it from inside SPAD:neXt or InstallDir\GamePlugins .

Recommended Setup Sequence:
(Do not start SPAD:neXt yet!)

  1. Install MSFS2024 (Store or Steam or Disc)
  2. Start MSFS2024, have it download what it needs
  3. Configure the basic stuff in MSFS2024 (e.g. Community Folder location, Caches etc)
  4. Restart MSFS2024 after you did necessary configuration changes
  5. Exit MSFS2024
  6. Run the MSFS-LVAR Bridge Installer from SPAD InstallDir\GamePlgins. It should offer you the MSFS2024 Location to install to
  7. Start MSFS2024, Wait until you are in the Main Menu
  8. Start SPAD.neXt (Yes now you can start it!)
  9. Wait at least 3 Minutes (or check status page if LVAR bridge is connected)
  10. No bridge warning and status is connected?
  11. Always three green!

SPAD.neXt not connecting to MSFS2024
Keep in mind MSFS2024 is completely separated from MSFS2020! You might need to apply changes to the Simconnect.xml as well, if you had to for MSFS2020


I updated Lvar in spad, but still get popup message saying it needs to be updated. Would this be in the community folder?

Lol, that’s why I had some things not working in C152 JPL. I didn’t realize the latest spad update only installed LVAR Bridge v5 to MSFS2020 only.

Once I installed it for 2024 as well and restarted everything, LVAR status looks OK and all things are working (e.g. doors, windows, pitot covers etc)

Many thanks to @RompyAZ !

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Initally i tried unsucssesfully to bind 737 swtiches to Bravo. Finally it started working when I created new airplanes and specific profiles in Ms24, then CLEARED the new profiles, it seems that there are multiple conflicts (conflict heaven). In particular between the ariplanes and specific controls profiles. Once cleared I started assigning buttons of the bravo and it worked perfectly. Be aware is better to use the specific aircraft controls than de general airplanes (ie. pitot heat is general and probe heat A and B are specific to the 737, the former does not work). Be aware this is with out spadnext. With spad next i’ve had certain success but finding the variables is a pain. B events are easy to find but they turn on only the function they do not move the switch in the cabin.

Latest spad update fixed FMS variables on my PC-21. Working great now.

This tutorial video might help those who are trying to get SPAD to work with 2024:

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Thanks! Very helpful :+1:

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Spad next works very well with Fs2024 and is much better for mappings than msfs interface.

Only problem is changing Spad profile wilhile in flight crashes the Sim, DAE experience this?

Once you start using spad, there is zero need to use any MSFS interface mappings. Just delete all binds (except maybe cameras and any movements) and use Spad for everything else for all peripherals.

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