Spawning in Latest Beta - Taking 15 - 20 Minutes

Asobo – since the latest beta, several people are having this issue.

When spawning into a gate/parking area, I’m spending up to 15 minutes to get the plane to spawn, and even after 15 minutes, it still doesn’t load.

However, 100% reproducible for me at least, when you hit “Back” to back out to the main menu, and then you do the same steps above, it takes maybe 30 seconds and spawns me into the gate. It’s always the first time where it just lags/stops.

Something isn’t working right.

I see several comments of others having the same issues, but couldn’t find a specifc ticket referencing this.

FIRST SPAWN: 10 mins and nothing… circle still spins in bottom right:


You might want to provide a bit more details like at what airports you are experiencing this, types of aircraft, weather settings, multiplayer/traffic settings, anything in your community folder, any third party apps using simconnect, swapped dlls, …
I have just spawned at KATL and it took exactly 53 seconds. I haven’t been there before, so nothing in the cache. I don’t have a beast PC and 100 Mbit/s Internet connection.

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So, just to chime in here, I was using the beta and this happened no matter what airport of aircraft I selected. I switched over because of the 737 livery bug that makes you crash when selecting a different livery and it solved that issue, but this is a thing that’s happening to at least some of us. You can see it all loading in, but then after it’s all loaded in, it doesn’t even place your plane down. you just sit in the loading circle until you’ve gotten through two podcast episodes and then you give up =P

Weird. Hopefully it’s identified and fixed for when they push out the official SU1.


I zoomed myself a little further out and that seemed to fix it…for now

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I have this problem only at my Drzewiecki Airports KPAE and KBFI. There it tooks app. 5 Minutes until the aircraft spawned.

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There are several threads about this.

In my case it started with the second Beta build. Escaping back and restarting usually makes no difference.

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I have the same very long loading times at ehrd airport (and others). Going back to the main menu and reload the same flight again mostly (but not alway’s) fix it and loads the flight.
I am in beta .22


I am having this issue at almost all of the airports tht i try a free flight from. It is happening to me at: TJSJ, CYVR, KLAX, KMIA, PANC, KBOS, SCEL, and a couple of others. It started right after i updated to the lastet beta build review. I am at a loss as to how to address the issue. I have tried some of the suggestions posted here and it has been mostly hit and miss.

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Same here, EHAM, EGSS, EDDF, etc. doesn’t matter where. It’s getting pretty annoying and I can’t really find the cause for the issue.

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I’m experiencing the exact same problem right now. There is definitely something wrong with this beta on the server side because it’s not happening on the current public build!

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Yeah, none of those are in here (bug section) so it doesn’t “technically” get bug logged and looked at lol

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Basically if asobo would use their game or any QA would exist they would know. They don’t and ignore one of the currently most painful issue…

This thread isn’t in the “bug section” either, it’s in Beta Discussion.


The threads I linked in are the Beta Install Performance & Graphics section. Which means the Community staff and Asobo developers are monitoring them.


And yet only this one got the feedback logged tag

And so? This still isn’t a “bug section” and plenty of things throughout the Beta forums get various tags.

My point - which perhaps you missed - is that this has been an ongoing problem for a while.

I see this in the console when the issue arises:

endless repeat, the same lines again and again, the same .xml files failing to load.


Hopefully it will get the bug logged tag and get fixed


For what it’s worth, I did a reinstall of the entire sim last night (for other reasons not related to the sim itself) and in 90 minutes of testing this afternoon have not experienced hugely-long delays loading in. I have waited as long as 2 minutes (at MK Studios’ KLGA, which is installed locally), but the sim did load in. However, complicating that situation is I have SamScene3D’s NY City Times scenery enabled to stream in “next door” so that probably affected the load time.

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Been there, done that, and then in a couple of days it will be back… I experience days with no issues and then it strikes back again. One workaround I figured out is to lower the graphics settings to low-end, then press start flight, once loaded switch back to ultra, or whatever you use. That always worked for me so far.


This ticket I created shows ‘feedback logged’ so they ARE being looked at.