Hi All.
Does anyone know how to speed the sim up as in FSX ie. x2, x4 etc.
I have seen it in a number of tutorials but cant for the life of me work how to do it.
Thanks for any help.
it’s the Sim Rate command found in
Pause -> Options -> controls -> Miscellaneous
they are unbinded by default
Thanks very much. You may be able to help with another.
How do you set up an external camera at Dep/Arr airporst to watch me stuffing up the landings and takeoffs, again like you could do in FSX.
Thanks once again most appreciated.
enter drone cam by pressibg insert (if not, go to external cam first by pressing end) , make sure it is not following your aircraft and place it wherever you want. Press C to toggle between drone cam and aircraft controls
Thanks, I can go to external cam by pressing end or insert but I cant move the cam around. Do I need to set up some keys to control it
you need a numpad keyboard to do that. of not, adjust the bindings to your preference
Ok thanks will do
I’m finding that when I increase the sim rate there’s no visual cue on screen, unlike FSX, of what rate I’ve selected, which makes it difficult to then decrease back to the normal rate. Having to watch the ETE or Distance to go on the garmin to guess if I’m back at normal rate or not.
For Sim Rate, the default is, you press “R”, then either CTRL + or CTRL - to increase or decrease the sim rate. That is, the CTRL key, followed by + or - keys. You repeat that again, to increase or decrease…
R then CTRL + or CTRL - . As mentioned, there is no visual que on screen when you increase or decrease the sim rate. I just look at the current time on the Garmin to figure out when I’m back to 1x speed.
You can try this (I haven’t) - https://flightsim.to/file/176/fs-simrate-bandit
Another way for drone control is an xbox controller (if you want to invest in one). It has all the bindings setup for it. You can get some really good cinematic shots. I use mine just for that. I removed aircraft control bindings from it, as I’ve found some interfere with my yoke & peddles. The xbox controller acts like a “real” drone controller.