Spikes all over

Thank you. I just looked at the streets around the area I flew over with the competitor’s map/satellite/street maps and it does look like they’re palm trees.


That is because you are looking at a “photograph” not “photogrammetry”. There is a difference.

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Yes, I am seeing the spikes in my home base airport area. I do not remember seeing them before todays update.

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And that is where? You got palm trees?

Yes I’m seeing them after updating, weren’t there before

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Take a quick read through the notes and highlight the passage about changes to the photogrammetry.

Take a close look at the screenshot from @watsdamattau . You can clearly see the palm tree embedded in the “spike”.

This is not an Asobo thing, this is part of the photogrammetry or autogen. Try turning it off and count the spikes.

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They are not always palm trees, I’ve seen very funny “solid trees” in northern Europe, recently ! City of Kiel,

(failed Bing labeling ? A dense tree is seen as “rock” from above, so it will be dressed by AI as a rock in MSFS ?)

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This may go without saying, but always clear your rolling cache – it does help with some of the oddities now and then

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They’re artifacts of the Lidar capture process. Normally they filter out vegetation but some get missed or misclassified by the software. Definitely a Bing data issue, but it’s not even their fault. It’s just whatever they’ve been able to obtain from elsewhere.


Yes that may help if there were improvements. But above you’ll find in cities with trees. Before or after the update. AI cannot see the difference and in cities the chance of finding something solid is bigger… so the tree could become some kind of building, or rock. I think this “solid tree thing” has nothing to do with photogrammetry. It’s just wrong object classification by AI.

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Exactly… and that data may be old, or incomplete. The AI will fillin the “green spot” with something probable. In forests, you won’t find these solid trees.

Our Homebase AP is KPNS (Pensacola, FL)
So Yes, we do have palm trees. So I suppose the distortion may be caused by the “photogrammetry” converting a small to mid size palm tree to a warped vegetation of sorts. Didn’t notice those little spikes prior to the latest update.


No sorry I was speaking to the random spikes people are seeing in the sim.

Above picture in the center of Kiel was taken before the last update. I can show pictures of New York back in januari, you’ll find these strange “rocks” or “mini buildings” or “towers” instead of trees, just like the above. They have tree (ground) texture over them. Only question is… why were your spikes introduced in your favorite scenery by this update… maybe indeed there’s something wrong with the palm tree object… it could be replaced with a hotfix update ? I think it is not photogrammetry. That’s just dressup, this looks like solid objects.

Have to concede this. Upon inspection, there are instances of poor photogrammetry producing columns and other solid structures but generally when produced from overhead angles, not ground level data. These do look more like BlackShark AI artifacts. The fact that it is working with only satellite data and needs to be told, based on shadows, etc. what to create, pretty easy for a misconfiguration.

We can speculate about it… suppose it’s the same effect as with bridges ? Wrong handling of overhanging parts ? this time visible ?

Palm trees have overhanging parts up high… What happens if these overhanging parts are “closed” with textured surfaces, all the way downward ? You get what you see above… the thing seems as wide as the top of the tree… it’s not a real spike, it looks like a “filled up” palm tree.

And if you look closely, you CAN see the trunk. It seems to be semi-transparent or semi-solid, if you are glass half empty guy. Like a bridge.

Yeah if you go “inside” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: it’s like a double cylinder.

I think it’s a hotfix candidate. This thing should be solved.

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I meant in the screencap…

When it’s like bridges, the stem of the tree must be somewhere inside the thing. You see a black back surface ? I haven’t visited the place yet…