I am after some advise on how to shut the engine down on the Spitfire MK Ixc.
After I land and taxi to the off runway location I cannot figure out how to completely shut the engine down.
I get this also on other light aircraft as well.
I find that when turning off the battery it then turns back on again. This also happens with other various switches.
The Bell helicopter on the other hand shuts down fine when turning off the battery.
You turn off the fuel. There’s a lever to the right of the compass in the top of the footwell at the bottom of the dash.
You can also turn off (ground) the magneto but that leaves fuel in the cylinders that washes down the oil layer and causes excessive wear - if you want to abide real world big aircraft engines.
Thanks for the rely. Yes I thought that would do it, but for some reason when I turn off the fuel it just turns back on again with no click from me, and the engine kicks over. Also does the same with the magneto.
Ah. It sounds like there’s another control mapped to the fuel shutoff lever. You’ll need to find it in the controls options menu and clear it or use whatever control it’s mapped to. There may be other causes but this is where I would look.
Something about piston aircraft engines is they usually have magnetos that don’t need battery power. It’s a safety feature since you can lose the electrical system and the engine keeps running. You’ll lose electric pumps if you lose (or shut off) the electrics but engine driven pumps and/or gravity can usually keep an engine running.