Spoke to soon CTD with 747

Hi there,
I keep CTD when I try and fly the 747…All the other planes that I fly are ok, it’s just the 747.

At what point does the CTD happen? Is it during the aircraft selection, or while the flight is loading, during startup…?

Hi , It’s when it’s loading

I’ll see what happens with mine in just a sec, but in the meantime, do you have any 3rd party mods for that plane in your community folder?

No I don’t, just flying without any mods. I appreicate the help.

Mine doesn’t CTD. Just booted up in Tokyo with the default 747, and it loaded up just fine.

I just flew the 747 for the first time in MSFS (I used it fairly often in FS9). I loaded up at PHNL, fired it up (Ctrl+E - I need to learn the systems at some point), took off from Rwy 8, did a 180 that would have made an instructor need new underwear, flew an extended downwind, then came back and set her down safely. It feels like I’m flying a rock the size of a house, but I got it down safely. One thing I’m going to do if I fly her again is adjust the steering angle and enable differential braking. Turning a corner in that thing is ridiculously hard. But the bottom line is that everything seems to work “as advertised.” Try two things:

A different plane at the same airport (is it an addon airport?)
The same plane at a different stock airport.

Had an A320 flight just after update that CTD. Did the same flight, same plane next day with no issues. So yeah, not only random bugs but random times.

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