Spraying fields with the H125 in Free Flight?

I love flying the H125 and spraying fields, doing ag turns, landing on the truck, lot of fun.

What is not fun, is the darn career mode. I don’t want:

  • To taxi and hold short on a cow pasture in the middle of nowhere.
  • To taxi a mile to the end of a runway if it is not a cow pasture but a real airport.
  • Doing dumb and boring ferry or cargo missions just to unlock parts of the world.
  • A guy called Malcolm telling me in soprano voice the 1000th time that “It is all about being efficient”
  • Spraying fields about the size of a basketball court.
  • Spraying fields with 3 huge transmission towers in the middle plus 4 wind turbines around it.
  • Being forced to spray an odd shaped polygon without a single right angle laid over perfectly rectangular fields.
  • Being sent home after the spray tank is empty, instead of refilling it, you know, at the refill truck.
  • And in general, dealing with the million bugs of career mode.

XP, credits, reputation, I couldn’t care less.

In Free Flight I have no limitations, can pick fields I like anywhere in the world, can fill the spray tank using the EFB, and I can turn on/off the spray, everything works. I haven’t tried, but I assume I could also place refill trucks wherever I want, anywhere in the world using the Scenery Editor.

With that, there’d be only one thing missing: showing the spray coverage on the EFB so I can see how good I did the job.

Does anyone know if it is possible to enable that in free flight?


And don’t forget the multiple ATC speed or height infringements while starting from the cow pasture.


Here is the solution:


I got you man. I agree that all you really need for spraying is to have more accurate information. It all seems to come together with that.

Agriculture Sat Nav and Light Bar:
