Since a few months now I see a waypoint several thousands of km away. When flying in Europe it is about 5000 km away. That brings you halfway across the Atlantic or off the coast of Ghana/Liberia. The next Smartcam button appears to navigate to but it shows water very close to the surface so I can’t tell where it is.
They waypoint has a triangle icon sometimes and normal target icon sometimes. I can’t tell under what circumstances it is which icon.
Update: the way point is about 700km south east off the coast of Ghana. I have never flown there. It’s located 280k ft up. I am trying to reach the waypoint now to check it out.
Update 2: It appears to be at the famous non-existent island of zero-zero. 0 deg N and 0 deb E. How did I add such a waypoint I wonder and how do I clear it?
Sounds like it might be Null Island, located at latitude 0, longitude 0.
Possibly a messed up waypoint in an add on scenery pack?
Thanks for your answer! It seems to be that. I have one scenery add-on I bought about the same time this started. I’ll try to disable that.
I disabled (moved the folder away from the official packages actually). That make no difference. I then followed the instructions here:
I deleted the 4 files here:
C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\MISSIONS\Custom\CustomFlight
That seems to have done it.
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