I’m not sure if this is a bug or something with my controls but just curious if others have had similar experiences. I have CH pro rudder pedals and for the most part they work exactly as I expect. I have created a center dead zone and cut back on sensitivity of them for more realism. As I start down the runway for takeoff (on a windless day) I get the normal prop torque I have to compensate for but as I approach rotation speeds the plane starts veering left and right and it takes everything I have to keep it going straight until I decide to leave the runway. I’ve flown a real Cessna and this just doesn’t happen. Any suggestions? Is this a bug?
Make sure you’re on the ‘modern’ flight model.
Also; by reducing sensitivity, you get a LOT of sensitivity at the end of rudder input, giving a very large response.
You’re very likely to use quite a bit of rudder on take-off (especially when there’s a crosswind), so I would suggest dialing sensitivity back up again , so the rudder reacts more to what you’re expecting.
How old are the rudder pedals? maybe the potentiometer going mad sometimes?!
I don’t think there’s any physical problem with the pedals because once in flight everything works well and you would see it in the calibration program. I am in modern flight profile. I’ll experiment with the sensitivity some more. I am inclined to believe this problem is in my personal setup as opposed to a bug. One other maddening thing I’ve noticed with the 172. If you hit escape during a flight, tweak settings and resume the flight, your engine turns off. Wondering if my CH yoke is also giving issues.
That’s weird.
I think it’s a bug. I’ve recently noticed that I have to use a lot of rudder to keep it on the centerline on takeoff when there is no crosswind, even though I have the “rudder assist on takeoff” option selected. This is with a Thrustmaster stick with twist rudder, no pedals, and flying the Citation CJ4 or Daher TBM.
I have quite a bit of time in a real C172 and Asobo needs to work on the ground handling.
I had this issue as well after changing the sensitivity of the rudder input. When I observed the plane from the outside (using the end key) the rudder input became wery twitchy. After some trial and error I ended up using no sensitivity reduction.
That deal of lowering sensitivity making the ends of the spectrum ultra sensitive really drives me mad.
No other way if you want to keep the full deflection.
I have the same problem, but the aircraft dips and then veers only to the right. I haven’t flown much with this version of FS2020. I have flown in the Alpha and (closed) Beta without all too much problems, so I don’t think my CH pedals and CH yoke are to blame.
please also doublecheck you’re on the ‘modern’ flight model, not on one of the legacy ones.
I would suggest you get rid of the dead zone, and only have a slight curve, to make the rudder a little less sensitive about the 1st 25% of its travel.
Sounds crazy – but you can do this in a Sim ----- Take off your shoes, and just wear socks !! You will have far better feel of the pedals !!!
I have the Modern flight model and haven’t set a dead zone. I didn’t start experimenting with the sensitivitiy settings yet, but maybe I should.
The dead zone addition was necessary when trying to fly the A320 with AP. Even the tiniest twitch of the pedal and the AP would disengage. Lots of people suggested that dead zone.
OK… Thanks – Good to know … and I obviously did not know that before you told me… so thanks again for the tip.
I finally gave in and set Options->Assistance-Piloting->TakeOff Auto-Rudder to ON. This greatly improves the insane yawing on the takeoff roll, at least in the 152. You still have to steer a little. I would argue that this is closer to ‘real’ then having the setting off. The 152 IRL is not that hard to keep pointing straight down the runway.
TakeOff Auto-Rudder to ON did also work on my PC. I had no problems taking off. I wonder, is it only a problem with the CH pedals?
I did notice that even when I’m off the throttle the plane steer veers to the side which I find weird. And my pedals are well centered with deadzone.
Go to the ingame settings…lower the sliders for “P Factor’ and 'Torque”… problem fixed… they are waaaaaaaay over sensitive. Only after doing that, adjust sensitivity if needed.