Standalone WASM

Hi, I’m trying to add standalone WASM from the Sample and since it’s not a guage, I’ve not added it to the panel.cfg. However I can’t figure it out how to add it without adding to a panel. I created a package in “Community” folder and added “modules” subfolder where I placed the standalone.wasm file. Then I also added layout.json where I referenced the .wasm file and manifest.json. However the wasm module is still not getting loaded. What am I missing?


“content”: [
“path”: “modules/standalone.wasm”,
“size”: 31626,
“date”: 132453631615266161

looks correctly formatted … what does your manifest.json look like

So it looks like my manifest was off, thanks for the pointer! I copied from the standalone example and it’s loading now. Thanks!

“dependencies”: [],
“content_type”: “MISC”,
“title”: “Standalone Module”,
“manufacturer”: “”,
“creator”: “My Company”,
“package_version”: “0.1.0”,
“minimum_game_version”: “1.11.7”,
“release_notes”: {
“neutral”: {
“LastUpdate”: “”,
“OlderHistory”: “”