Standard airport scenery objects are now "Unknown" and no longer appear in the sim

I have built and published several airports that were operating perfectly up until now. (SU7?)
However, now objects are missing. I have gone into the SDK to add them back, but they no longer appear under Objects > Scenery. These are major objects, such as hangars, tents, and buildings, and not from user created libraries.

Unknown means that object indicated guid in your scenery file Is missing from the internal object guid list, list Is compiled every Sim start from all the .bgl loaded in the file system
They could have changed a guid from One version to another (unlikely yet possible), or you could accidently have used a 3d party object (including world updates) from a package you have in the meantime uninstalled

Thanks. Sounds possible. But how do I fix this?

well you should know what you are missing, anyway in you source.xml you should have
the object names, look for lines like:

(of course BarrelBlue01 is the name of one object)

search for the name in the scenery editor, if you find them then the guid is changed, if you don’t find them either the name is changed or they came from a package that you have uninstalled (could be world update too!)

Thanks again. I believe there are probably about 100 of them, based on the airports I have SDK’d so far.
Would a reinstall fix this? I use Steam.

If they did change the guids of default objects a reinstall wont help
It all depends on where do the unknown objects come from
If you have some examples (name and guid) i can check if the objects are available or not in my system (i have all the default and optional content installed)

It they are changing guids from defaut fs-base this could lead to a nasty problem with the upcoming gateway scenery system, and they must be told about that (maybe in Devsupport)

I needed to do a reinstall anyway, and it solved the problem. No more “unknown” scenery objects. I also got the greyed out Marketplace active again. Win-Win.

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