Start (multiple) programs , another idea?

I just tried the exe.xml see here las month but it does not works for me…

Start (multiple) programs

I’m triyng to start AIGTech - Traffic Controller.exe ins flightsimulator but no success

One of the great features of MSFS Addons Linker is the ability to start any programs you want along with the sim. MSFS Addons Linker for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

Under Tools > Options > Additional Options you can add them. Here’s mine for reference:

May be overkill if you don’t need the other main feature of the tool (enabling/disabling addons and not having to put any of them in your Community folder directly) but it’s always worked like a charm for me, so it might be an option.


i’m using an anddon linker to move the folder in the counity one but i don’t knew it was able to start exe too? or it is not the same lionker… there is mine…

I’ll search for the tool…option like your :wink: THANKS a lot

STRANGE it is but it does not start with this option and
I lauch unsually MSFS with argument to run without intro " -FastLaunch"

Weird! Hopefully someone else who uses AIGTech can chime in, I don’t use it myself so I can’t test it.

it seem tha i must set something else but WHAT?
i have add the complete link to the exe to launch but it doesn’t not start and i just try wiant anotehr and it is the same but mys 2 exe are in…

my comunauty folder AND AIGTECH don’t let me try to move out of here
20 test and every time it re insttal it’s 50GO once again when i move it from comunauty folder.
Perhaps i’ll move it to trash if my other O:\Package-MFS2020\Community\fsltl-traffic-injector decide to start with msfs
and the good option i still don’t know to make it start wit addon linker

Out of curiosity, are you starting Addons Linker as admin? Mine is set to always run as admin. Not sure if that is needed to get the other EXEs to launch or not.

no i don’t
I’m a linux Unix man first and this kind of let everyone and every soft to be an ADMIN is really a diffuclt thinks to do, to understantd…
If o soft must run in admin mod, it is not a good soft BUT
I’l try to do this to make like you and if it works, AFTER i’ll ask the dev to correct there software and make it NORMAL. ill be back lol

i see that you use this to, pehaps i miss somethin in the option box?
this is mine

i just close and re open “addon likner” and it is OK
so sometime a very little stupid thinks… and nothings works lol

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You can simply create a bat file and add all apps you want there, launching MSFS at the end. For instance:

cmd.exe /C start "" "G:\SPAD.neXt\SPAD.neXt.exe"
cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch


I hear you there! It’s like running everything with sudo :slight_smile: This program doesn’t usually need to be run as admin, it used to because in order to create symlinks, that’s sometimes needed. It now uses another method other than symlinks and theoretically doesn’t need admin permissions anymore. Either way, glad to know it’s working now!

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I do pretty much the same as Geloxo, but I start this batch after MSFS starts and I spawn somewhere. I used to do it within Addons Linker, but sometimes MSFS crashes before I spawn, and I find myself with some widowed processes. BTW I use MS Todo as my checkist because I wanted something interactive and that’s about all I found that worked well.

start /min “” “D:\MSFS\FSRealistic\FSRealistic.exe”
start /min “” “D:\MSFS\Little Navmap\littlenavmap.exe”
start /min “” “D:\MSFS\Addons-Permanent\FSLTL\fsltl-traffic-injector\fsltl-trafficinjector.exe”
start /min “” “D:\MSFS\AIGround\AIGround.exe”
start /min “” “D:\MSFS\AIFlow\AIFlow.exe”
start “” explorer.exe shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.Todos_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App
start “” “D:\MSFS\Hudbar\FS20_Hudbar.exe”

Yes it works, and proprelly like any NORMAL soft :wink: thanks again

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I used ChatGPT to create a .bat file of everything I want to run with MSFS. Currently I have 8 different apps all start up plus MSFS with 1 click.

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