Starting a Fligh - Zoom to Airport


i have just a question to understand what is the reason or difference here:

When i have started MSFS, then click on Worldmap and here select and Airport,
then on some airports the Map zooms autoatically in to the Airport and i can see the Gates and other startpositions.
On other Airports the Map did not zoom in automatically and i have to use the + and minus keys on the keypad or the mouse to zoom in.

I just want to ask if there is a special reson for that different behavior ?


I occasionally have that as well and it is couopled with several other issues. I SUSPECT it has something to do with the accessibility option of increasing text size. Is your text size normal ?

Textsize is normal, never changed that

Well, I know the feeling, I remember in the old FS’s once inserted the ICAO is would automatically zoom into a extent where you could’ve seen the whole aerodrome.

I do the same like you and its not UI friendly for how is still done at the current state

We can try as a community to bump this thread and see is Asobo/MS could fix this issue

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yes, would be great to improve that.
Especially because i am sitting in a Homecockpit and there it is not easy
to use the Mouse. Also i dont like using the Mouse/Keyboard and want to use it at
less as possible

I have noticed that when you select the departure airport the map zooms up the airport while when you choose the arrival airport it doesn’t . I guess they did that because if you start cool&dark you have to select the ramp number so they have eased the zooming process.

my guess it has to do with the market place link. airports that are available as addons have a green link to the product in the market place, so i think that’s why load in stops at this screen for all airports…

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