Steam disk write error

Apologies for this being in the wrong area. I just need a massive bit of advice.
This has suddenly started occurring. Never had issues before. I’ve tried verifying the cache etc nothing comes up. I imagine I’m looking at a fresh install but will that actually fix the issue.

Did you verify files with Steam? If so, this does uninstall MSFS.

Steam - Verify Integrity of Game Files Deletes All Content - Official Microsoft Flight Simulator / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I did. The game still seems to be installed. It seems it’s wanting to do an update but thats when the disk write error appears. When I right click the game in the library it says I can still uninstall it. Is that worth me doing just to solve the issue? Or is this a permanent thing?

If it were me, that’s what I’d do. If you have a fast connection.

Otherwise, someone else may know a work-around esp if you are showing you have all the files and just the EXE is missing. But it could be more than just that.

My wording may be off. When I say the verify bit. I mean the verify game files. Not sure if thats different. The issue has only happened today. When it happened earlier. I was able to restart the pc and then the game opened. But I have it come out of the blue now. I think a full reinstall is best.

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So I’ve got it running after restarting the PC. Is there a safe way of checking nothing’s corrupted?

To my knowledge, not with the Steam version. There’s a check with the MS Store version, however, I don’t think it checks every file. This check is done via the Windows app settings.

I’ve heard that some will delete a folder out of the “official” folder and then MSFS will redownload it. But I’m not sure doing that actually pulls a full “integrity” check.

Yeah to me, I just don’t delete folders. Even this came out of the blue. Since I restarted the PC it’s not had the issue. Just got to try and sort out why I can’t see stuff in the Fenix V2 now.

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So this has now happened again. A bit of reading and I’m missing the .exe file in the steamapps folder. How though? Haven’t deleted anything.

Are you sure your anti-virus isn’t at play here? Maybe it’s quarantining it for some reason?

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No idea. I think it was causing issues with the new Fenix. And that’s been sorted. But this disk write error, is so inconsistent.

I can sometimes quit msfs multiple times and get back in no problem. Then if something happens incorrectly and it looks like if it crashes that’s what sets off the disk write error, it deletes the .exe file in steamapps and the program is wanting to constantly update but can’t in Steam. I can then get around that by restarting the PC. Total confusion, if I’m honest. I’m hoping by solving Fenix crashing the sim it’s stopped everything else.

Might be worth checking disk integrity.

As in the hard drive? I’ve checked and there’s no fault. This is the steam version.

Search web for
Disk write errors steam

But dont use steam app verify files with msfs. I would uninstall msfs, then reboot and reinstall.

At the moment it seems to be ok. I’ve looked at the searches for disk write errors. All have tried each of them. The only thing that seemed to work was restarting the PC. I think the Fenix and Antivirus were conflicting and occasionally crashing the sim causing it to have an issue in steam afterwards

I had the same issue today after installing the Fenix A320 V2B2. Disable your antivirus and try updating MSFS2020 in steam and it should work.

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Yes. I think this is what the issue was. I just created a proper exception for Fenix, and from then on it started working properly and haven’t had any crashes.

Whenever it crashed previously it wanted to update in steam but that’s when the errors occurred.