Steam - synchronising steam cloud - MSFS won’t start

Anyone else currently unable to launch the game on Steam?

Topic moved into Community Support.

The Bug Reporting category is for reporting confirmed bugs using the provided template.

I’ve had a bad experience with this for the last few weeks. when I run FS through the icon on the taskbar it loads a black screen before the Xbox screen and there it stays.It only starts to work if I load an Internet browser (Chrome/Edge).
It looks like it needs a “pseudo” hardware call to load the simulator. I still haven’t been able to identify the source of this problem.


I saw this one time, last night. I canceled the load and tried again and it worked. :man_shrugging:t3:


Which country and how are the sympthoms ?

@UltraRR3660 be carefull with the AutoStart-Links. We have older reports where these links becomes corrupt as unknow reason and starting the game directly will help ( or renew the links ).

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Thanks for the signage. I’ll see why the link I have in the taskbar I put it there from the executable inside the path it has in the Steam folder. I’ll try from the link that steam itself creates on the desktop to see if what you mentioned is confirmed. thank you so much!

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I request the developers to fix this problem as soon as possible… please make the game settings to be read locally on the hard disk first, and then if the user wants to be saved in the Steam cloud… I lost my settings load and the reset is complete…so please fix the problems as soon as possible…
For those whose settings have been reset like me, I suggest that you backup the settings number 1250410 from the following path and every time it is deleted, turn off the game and use the backup again so that you don’t need to set the keys and other settings from the beginning…

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\1313898176\1250410
I hope I have helped