Steam VR starts when i start MSFS2020

Since the new update when i launch MS2020 (Windows App) the FS is loading, when the Startmenu appears suddenly Steam VR starts automaticly even the VR Mode of MSFS2020 isn’t acive. I have to quit Steam VR everytime.

Shouldn’t Steam VR just start when i activate the VR Mode ingame?! How to fix this?!

Thank you in Advance.

Anyone have ideas. This is happening to me also.

i got a workaround meanwhile. go to your Steam\steamapps\common folder and rename SteamVR to SteamVRx than it wont happen but can’t be an official solution for this.

Open ‘Task Scheduler’
Look for a task that loads Steam VR (on startup, login, whatever.)
Delete that task.

Why trigger steamvr? - Microsoft Flight Simulator / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

thats exactly what i wrote a month ago, but its just a workaround not a real solution

Ah, right! :no_mouth: