Stemme S12 development

may I present myself,

I am Javier Rollon, developer for planes for xplane for 13 years. Have been inside the team (Laminar Research) for 8 years, and in the business as 3rd-party for a full decade building planes as the CRJ200, Jetstream32 and the Last Siai Marchetti.

You can follow my portfolio here:

Since MSFS arrived I tried to carry my SF260 into MSFS but lots of problems arrived after the pandemic period, so still it is a task to do it, but I wanted to make something on my own to learn how the simulator works. I was successful exporting models, animations and flight dynamics, but still I need to study (or the help to work with me) to make custom 2D avionics or programming systems.

I chose the Stemme S12 for this task, and was building it for a full year, stopping in between time, because of different reasons.

Now I am ending the 3D modelling that I share with you with some screenshots of the 3DStudio program, and will try to export to MSFS soon to start testing flight dynamics and learn to build those avionics.

This last Friday 3 January I discovered that the Stemme S12 was going to be built by GotFriends, so I decided to cancel it and just do it for XPlane12 (also I will build it for XPlane12) but I contact them and they told me they are cancelling the project as they have too much work to do in other planes, so there will be no competition between us.

So with your help and anyone interested in jumping in the project and maybe future ones (also I have in a halt the CL415) we can make good stuff for MSFS.


Javier Rollon, JRollon Planes.

Edit: when I work on it, I make live stream in my twitch channel. I speak usually in Spanish, but if you want to know something just ask in english and I will reply to you.
Japo32 - Twitch



I’m really interested in this motorglider, and I’m glad that you are working in it.
Did you know that stemme USA is active in this forum? I remember they intervine in a gotfriends thread. Maybe you can contact them for help in the development. I think they user is @StemmeUSA

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Nice to meet you, are you one of the developers for the FSD SF260? That was one of my favorite planes in FSX and older versions as well. I hope you would consider doing this plane in MSFS 2020. I also love the 2 seater glider as well, I mostly fly gliders in this sim, but I occasionally fly other power planes as well. Looking forward to your work to completion.

Regards, Rockitglider

Hey Javier, I’ve been a big fan of your work from xplane, and I’m thrilled to see you working on the Stemme S12 as well! It’s such a great motor glider and the renders are looking wonderful. I just want to confirm that it looks like you’ll be doing the base S12 model with Dynon avionics and autopilot from that cockpit layout right?

I have nothing against Garmin, but we already have so many garmin panels and it would be lovely to see the Dynon version. Variety is the spice of life right :slight_smile: Also, this will be such a dream in VR!

It has been a long time since I posted these images, but FINALLY the textures coordinates are done. It may seem not a big difference here, but you can see the Ambient Occlusion maped, and that is what I am going to use to export into MSFS



Exported to MSFS and FINALLY!!! I was able to make the start of an HTML_UI instrument. It is the DylonD10A start of it. Have to say that I have never seen a process so complicated as it is in MSFS to make it, but at least I have a method appart of visual programming in C++.


Hows the Progress? I really Support your Work and am looking Forward to the release! So you have any timespan in which the release IS planned?

Progress is going very slow, as I am dealing with unknown technology to produce custom avionics in the DynonD10A, but I was able to go ahead with it more or less (still lots of things to do in that avionics but at least I know how to make them now). Don’t pay attention to the artificial horizont inside of the circle. I was trying with too much frustration how to achieve the masks over graphics withtout any success over MSFS for a full month… but now, those mask (not the circle) appears correctly in MSFS.
But I cannot give you a date… I am going hyper slow… and now with Summer hot and children on vacation, it is worst.

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Good thing will take time. :heart:

Javier, I have been following your progress. Very impressive!

We were so disappointed when GotFriends decided to drop their S12 project. We will be very happy to assist you in every way that we can! The Stemme is such a unique aircraft and would be a wonderful addition to the sim community.

  • Stemme USA

Hello Javier,

Many of us are certainly looking forward to the release of the wonderful Stemme S12 .

Could we have some recent news on the progress of this software ?