Step By Step WT CJ4 IFR/ILS Flight From New York City to Newark,NJ includes Flight Plan, Take Off, Cruise, Landing (2 min to create FP & 15 min flight)

FS2020 - Version
New Edit: 3/3/2021 10:13 USA EST
This applies only to the Working Title Mod to the Cessna Citation CJ4 Jet.

Working Title CJ4 0.10.3
Download Link:

From JFK Airport in New York to Newark Intl Airport in New Jersey

Note: Use your flightstick instead of the keyboard commands if you wish.
Note: This is a basic flight.


  1. Main Menu of FS2020: New Flight.

  2. Create Flight Plan (from KJFK to KEWR)

  • FROM = Click “Select Departure Airport”
  • Type KJFK & click “Kennedy Int’l Airport” below
  • TO = Click “Select Arrival Airport”
  • Type KEWR & click “Newark Int’l Airport” below
  • Select CJ4 Aircraft. (Top left picture, click it and click “Aircraft Selection” then “Jets”)
  • Click VFR(Direct-GPS)
  • Under “IFR”, click “Low-altitude airways”
  • Under “TO” on right side, click “Approach(Automatic)”
  • Click “ILS 22R”
  • Set time to 1:15PM. (if you want to fly in the daylight)
  • Screen displays: From KJFK via Waypoints AGNSS, VERDE, TALTE to KEWR
  1. Click “FLY”.


After the CJ4 loads, the Cockpit is displayed.

3A. Click “READY TO FLY”

The FLIGHT GUIDANCE PANEL (FGP) is centered on top of both MFDs.
(See screenshot AAA)

On the FGP:
4. Hold left mouse on “SYNCHRONIZE TO CURRENT ALTITUDE” wheel to 3000 feet (Rotate the wheel).

  • Don’t click the “TOGGLE ALT HOLD” button.
  • Selected altitude displays on the top of the PFD “Altitude Tape” (3000).
  1. Click “VS” (to turn “Vertical Speed Mode” on).
  • A blue arrow displays on the “Primary Flight Display” (PFD) Tape (right side).
  • Hold left mouse button on the bottom of the “VERTICAL SPEED” wheel
  • until the blue arrow rises up to 4 for 4000. (Strange - Turn wheel down to go up)

5A.Click “VNAV”. To capture altitude restrictions in the Flight Plan.

The “Flight Guidance System Display” (FGSD) is located in the Primary Flight Display (PFD) at the top.
Also referred to as the “Scoreboard”)
(See screenshot AAA)

((The FGSD (Scoreboard) displays: ROLL, VS (or VVS)3000, Left Arrow, and ALTS))

  • Roll: Commands the plane to roll to level (wings)
  • VS 3000: VS is armed to capture the altitude specified. (When AP is activated.)
  • ALTS: The plane is at or will capture the FGP selected altitude - when reached. (set in step 4)
  • VVS 4000: VNAV is armed for altitude restrictons going up or down, (Requires VS)
  • The Left Arrow is fixed in FS2020. (has no meaning)


Set up the MFD

(See screenshot BBB)

  1. Press Kbd (Ctrl & 3)
  2. Press Kbd (Up Arrow 3 times.
  3. Click “UPR MENU” (Upper Menu)
  4. Turn wheel down to “FMS TEXT”. (Navigate through Menus knob/wheel)
  5. Click top of wheel to select it.
  6. Click “UPR MENU” to remove it.
  7. Click “LWR MENU” (Lower Menu)
  8. Turn the down to “Plan”. Click top of wheel to select it.
  9. Turn it further down to “Map Symbols”. Click top of wheel to select it.
  10. Turn it down to “Airports”. Click top of wheel to select it.
  11. Click Lower Menu to remove it.
  12. Turn on “Pitot/Static Heat” 1 and 2. (Down below)(Only if yellow line is on the diplay)

Note: You can press “MEM 1” for 30 seconds and it will save steps 6 thru 16. On your next flight,
you will not have to enter them. Just press “MEM 1”.

Set up the Flight Plan

The Flight Management System (FMS) Display is below the MFD

  • Buttons (Btn) on the FMC are numbered from top downward for this post
  • (Left Btn1, Left Btn2,) and (Right Btn1, Right Btn2,)
  1. Click “IDX” then click “NEXT”.
  2. Click Left Btn3 for “MOD SET”
  • Select your options for Lights, Units, Yoke. (Keep clicking the Btn to select.)
  1. Click Left Btn6 for “BACK”.
  2. Click Right Btn1 for “ROUTE MENU”.
  3. Click Left Btn4 for “FPLN RECALL (GAME)” (Flight Plan Recall)
  4. Click “LEGS”
  • (We need to get rid of the discontinuity)
  1. Click Left Btn4 for Waypoint “AGNSS”.
  • (AGNSS displays below in the scratchpad)
  1. Click Left Btn3. (AGNSS replaces the “discontinuity”.)
  2. Click Left Btn3 again.
  3. Click Left Btn2. (AGNSS replaces “Verde”)
  • “EXEC” displays on the right bottom of the FMS Display. (To remind you to press it)
  1. Click “EXEC”. (you must to enable the Flight Plan)

  2. Press Kbd (Ctrl & 1)
    We now have a Flight Plan. Look at your PFD and MFD.
    The magenta colored lines and letters are your Flight Plan.

  • The PFD is Flight Plan oriented.

  • Straight up is 314 degrees. You are sitting on Runwqay 31R (310 degrees).

  • (The magenta line points to the AP heading of the CJ4’s first Waypoint (AGNSS).)

  • The MFD is North oriented. (Straight up points North (0 degrees) always)


  1. Increase throttle to max. Release the Parking Brake.
  • Throttle: Kbd (F1=Cut, F2=Decrease, F3=Increase)
  • Brake: Kbd (Num Del)
  • Parking Brake: Kbd(Ctrl + NUM DEL) (toggle)

After Take Off, watch the VS needle as it rises toward the blue arrow on
the right side of the PFD “Altitude Tape”.
When it reaches the blue arrow, click “AP” to turn on Auto Pilot.

  • (miniunm above 300 feet but below 2500)
  1. Click the “AP” button to turn on the Autopilot.

You must press “AP” to capture the Vertical Altitude that you set
with the ALTITUDE wheel (3000) in step 4.
(If you don’t, the altitude will keep rising to very high. (xx thousand feet )).
(You have to stop the vertical climb with the AP.) (or you will never be able
to descend down in time before you overfly the destination airport).

  1. Click NAV button to follow the Flight Plan per FMS1.

((The FLIGHT GUIDANCE PANEL (FGP) displays LNV1, AP, ALT 3000FT, left arrow))

  • LNV1: The plane will follow the flight path directed by the FMS flight plan
  • AP: Auto Pilot is on
  • ALT 3000FT: indicates that the selected altitude of 3000 feet was set
  • ALTS: (CAP) - The plane is at or will capture the FGP selected altitude when reached
  • (VS was turned off when Selected Altitude is reached)


You can now jump to External Camera and do some sightseeing.
You will fly past New York City.
Then past Teterboro.
The Flight Plan will make the CJ4 make a left turn.
Watch this from External Camera.

Follow instructions from ATC. If you don’t ATC will cancel your Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight.

For ATC Altitude commands to you:
Switch back to Cockpit view.
Just set the new Altitude with the Altitude knob (“ALT”) and click “VS” to turn.
Vertical Speed Mode On again.
Switch back to External view.

33 —.

You must maintain your speed. CJ4 does not. Remember, the Throttle is at Max.

Move your throttle back until the indicator on the PFD “Speed Tape” lines
up with a speed of 280 kts. 280 is displayed above the PFD “Speed Tape”.
Otherwise, you will overspeed and crash.

Continue your flight and watch your speed until you reach the AGNSS Waypoint.

34.Click “APPR” for Approach Mode when you pass the “AGNSS” Waypoint. (Look at MFD)

Look in the PFD for the vertical Diamond for the Glide Slope and the Horizontal
Diamond for lateral (left or right) of the Runway as the ILS System automatically
guides you to the runway.

Watch your speed. If the Glide Slope indicator (RED you are dead, Blue you’re OK) in the External view tells you that you are too fast,
deploy the “Spoilers” to slow down the CJ4. Kbd(num /) .
Don’t worry about them.
The APPR Mode will keep the CJ4 flying via the Glide Slope by changing the Throttle or Trim as needed aa the way to the runway.

APPR will automatically hold you to the required throttle, trim, flaps
and Waypoint Constraint altitudes to take you to the runway.

— LAND —

  1. Click “AP” at 400 feet and over the runway to stop the Auto Pilot.

  2. Cut throttle to 0. (Your Throttle may be at max or something but is being overridden by the APPR Mode. As soon as you turn off the AP, the Throttle setting will become active. Don’t want it when landding

Don’t touch anything. The CJ4 will land on the runway. If you touch the Flightstick and move it just a little, it will cause the CJ4 to loose its present downward pattern to the runway.
It will become uncontrollable and crash. Try it and see.

39.Flair (nose up slightly) to let CJ4 settle down on the runway.

  1. Apply “Brakes” to slow down (num del).

This is beautiful! Thanks for taking the time to write this up!!

Thank you.
I didn’t how it would be received.
Especially, the moderators.

I had looked at a lot of the videos, but what buttons/controls
they were pressing was not clear.

1 Like

I was looking for a guide like this to get started with the complicated FMS. Sometimes a video explanation just doesn’t do it for me. I’m going to try this out tomorrow.

OMG, Thank you!!!

Thank you…

Not sure if everything is correct what is mentioned imho…appr does not control flaps e.g.

And you should of course control the plane during landing when ap is off (below 500ft), e.g. with side winds.

There is an excellent 2 hr youtube tutorial for this plane with one of the programmers. I recommend watching that to understand this beautiful plane and mod.

I don’t think that I used the term “flap”.

But , I have watched, in External view, the CJ4 coming down the Glide Slope and “APPR” adjusting the “Trim” and “Throttle” as needed to
stay on the Glide Slope. It even deployed the “Spoilers” automatically.

And, if I deployed the “Spoilers” early at the top of the GS, it would automatically increase “Throttle” and “Trim” to stay on the GS and maintain “Speed”.

You did:


The CJ4 does not have autothrottle either, so not sure what you are doing there. Do you have some assistance on?

I would really advice you to read the manuals and watch this video on how to fly this plane: MSFS 2020 | TUTORIAL: How to fly the Working Title Cessna Citation CJ4 | Complete Lesson - YouTube

You are correct.
I did say “flap”.

This was meant to be an introduction of an IFR/ILS flight
to anyone interested. It does say “Basic”.

I have not changed the defaults under Options, Assistance.
I think that I clearly stated that : “You must maintain your speed. CJ4 does not. Remember, the Throttle is at Max.”.

I am not a RL Pilot and have never been in a RL CJ4. Never seen one in RL.

This is not RL “Training”. My knowledge is based on what I have discovered in FS2020.

And from studying the: “Cessna Citation CJ4 Model 525C Operator’s Guide (0.10.2)” from WT.

Releases · Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages · GitHub might be a better bet, since the “flaps” hotfix.

I agree with you.

But, I have not seen any problem with the “flaps” on my CJ4.
VS and VNAV holds altitude.

APPR mode moves the TRIM percentage, UP or DOWN to keep the
CJ4 on the Glide Slope.
In external view, I can see the “flaps” being moved as needed.

I can even deploy the "spoilers and watch APPR make adjustments
in the “flaps”.

I can manually move the trim any way I want (up or down).

From the Mods description, “Welcome to the Working Title CJ4 v0.10.4. This patch removes the temporary flaps lift workaround” .

I don’t know what “flaps lift” means.

The “flaps bug” wasn’t a visual thing, it just occurred due to Asobo inadvertently changing the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft, when the flaps are deployed, giving them twice as much lift than they should have. That made aircraft take off at far lower speeds than they should and made them float and tough to get onto the ground when landing.

WT released 10.3 with a fix for this that, simplistically put, this returned the flaps to how they should behave aerodynamically.

However, when Asobo issued their hotfix, to correct their error, when combined with 10.3 that would have effectively reduced the flaps lift effect to half the value it should have been. this would have meant the aircraft needed more speed to get into the air and to land.

Therefore, WT issued 10.4 to return the effect of the flaps back to where it should be and correctly back under the control of the sim.

I’m sure that someone will correct me if I have erred in any way, but this should at least give you an idea.

Thanks or the response.

I understand. To me, it was not an issue because it was
perfectly normal to me. I had noticed the float on landing.

I started putting the Spoilers out trying to get it to touch down.

And it would stay up or increase in altitude as if it was
doing a “Missed Approach” but not per procedures.

Just fly that heading for forever.

This helped a ton. Thank you for the clarity!