Still no Live AI traffic

I believe he may be unaware this was fixed a while back. I’ve been playing with AI on and off over the last while when in areas without any live traffic. I follow AI planes in Little NavMap. When they get a certain range from you, they despawn as intended.

Perhaps SimConnect traffic is an issue, but in sim AI isn’t any more.

Thanks for your answer, but my above idea about this had nothing to do with active zones in traffic data, it was about liveries… supposed they solved - or circumvented - the issue with stutters on group flight by not showing the aircraft, when the livery is missing on the player’s machine ? There have indeed been complaints recently about nametags flying around without aircraft underneath… now suppose the same would affect AI traffic visibility ? the MSFS session does receive the traffic data, but it won’t show the aircraft, because its Ukranian (or whatever) livery tag is unknown on the player’s machine ?

This idea came to mind when I saw this topic. It’s your solution… a giant livery pack could solve it…

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I have zero faith in “giant livery packs”. The variety of ways they’ve been created and so many 8K and 10K liveries would kill performance and likely cause CTD’s.

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Ok here is a trick. Yes takes time for live traffic planes to show up, but go into skey mode and fly around in the direction planes are landing from. Stop a few times miles away and you might notice live traffic starting to show up on your mini vfr map. I do this and it often wakes up traffic. In Dallas last week I saw about 30+ coming in after doing that.

Many airports are better than others.
Dallas, Atlanta, KLAX, and Seattle at times can get alot. Other AP’s are often devoid, liker KJFK. JFK is among busiest in world but the most I have ever seen at one time is 7-8 on the ground.

I wish my KLAX looked like that!
Set the time to night and look to the east. You would see the airliners stacked up all the way to Palm Springs.

I tend to get 1/4 of that, if lucky.

“GEN” is being shown if the aircraft.cfg has the icao_generic = 1

I don’t know where my traffic came from (maybe a server thing). I was quite surprised by the volume.

Correct. I fly in Europe when it is late afternoon or evening with i being 3.5 hours ahead. 8:30 or 9 PM my time will be 5 or 5:30 in Europe which should have reasonable air traffic. It is during these hours traffic density isn’t as expected on busy airports like Zurich, Heathrow or Frankfurt.

Flying in my area of eastern Ontario today - from CYUL to CYGK. This area is generally devoid of most traffic that can be seen on FA. Right now, I’m seeing 3 other planes in my immediate vicinity at on approach to CYGK. There were 7 planes in the air around CYUL when I took off. Never seen that many planes there before. I had to go check my settings to make sure I was indeed using Live Traffic vs AI. And indeed I was.

I think it’s possible they may be messing with the servers that broadcast traffic to us.

have you seen QUE10? (québec10)

I did see a Air Creebec flight. RIght now, I have Republic (Brickyard), Jazz and Jetblue planes within my range as I’m coming in on final. Never see this much traffic here. Like EVER.

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In the last 10 mins:

Brickyard 3510
Jazz 7596
KLM 692
JBU 197
CREE 704

Also Cargolux 8634

I fly in this area oten. I’ve never seen this many planes in the air. I’m lucky to even see 1 or 2 other at best.

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