Still very long loading time after start flight

… and sometime it takes over 10 min then I quit and load new in the game. Then I try the same flight and it load in the flight very quickly.


With any aircraft ?

My loading times have also become terribly slow. I just had an update a few minutes ago, and since the CTD, it’s been nonstop!

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yes I try 3 right now. This problem was also in SU1

This has gotten worse now in the beta than it was in the live build. There, going back to the main menu or zooming very far out before trying to fly made the sim load quickly. But this now takes forever, even when you do that.

And really no clue what it is doing during that time, it’s not downloading anything and from as far as I can see it is not WASM compilation of the plane either, since that is already done (which sorely needs an indication in the UI when it happens, that was much better in 2020)

I am stuck on this screen for more than 10 minutes. I can go back, but I cannot fly

Lower youre lod to 10

And it just goes on and on and on and on… No matter if default plane or addon plane, nothing happens during loading here


On my PC, loading the Beechcraft Bonanza G36 at Parking Spot 321 at Faro (LPFR) took 54.11 seconds.

Specs & Settings:
  • No 3rd-Party or Community Addons (default installation)
  • Developer Mode is Off
  • Hardware: i7-12700K, 32 GB 5200 MHz DDR5 CL40
  • Intel Arc 770 (16GB, v32.0.101.6314)
  • Online Tab: Photogrammetry, Live Weather - On, Air Traffic Type, Air Traffic in Career, Multiplayer - Off, MP Servers - West USA, Show MP proximity - On, Rolling Cache - On @ 16GB, Bandwidth - Unlimited.
  • Flight configuration: Weather: Live, Traffic: Off, Multiplayer: Off
  • MSFS Version: MS-Store, Premium Deluxe
  • Graphics Tab: Display: Full Screen; HDR10: On; Full Screen Res: 3840 x 2160; AA: TAA; Render scaling: 65 (Resolution: 2496 x 1404); AMD FidelityFX: 150; VSync: Off; FRL: N/A; Dynamic FRT: Off; TLOD: 400; OST Pre-Cache: Ultra; Disp. Map: On; Buildings, Rocks: High; Trees, Plants, Grass: Medium; OLD: 200; V. Clouds: Ultra; Texture Res: Medium; AF: 4x; Water: Medium; RayTracing: On; SM: 2048; TS: 512; CS: High; WE: Medium, AO: High; CR: 256; RR: Medium; LS: High; DoF, MB: Off, GCRR: High; CQ, TAQ, AT, RT, ST: Medium, Fauna: Off.

I never routinely experienced this in SU1, but I’m experiencing flight load times of several minutes in SU2 Beta on every flight. Interestingly, not the first flight I did. That was relatively fast, every subsequent flight regardless of aircraft or region is extremely slow to load. I do not have an empty community folder, that’s my next step to see if something is conflicting.


Seems to be hanging on the spinning circle loading the C404 into KSWF parking spot 119. It’s been a few minutes and I think I will abort and restart the flight…

AND after restarting the flight it loaded in 45 seconds. Could be a first flight/airframe thing?

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Same issue here. Infinite loading on the start of Free Flight but if I interrupt it with ESC key, restart the game and start a flight again with identical parameters, it’s suddenly a normal (quick) load.

And I also had the same behavior in SU1.

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Just tested this - 2 minutes 34 seconds on my PC.

A faster time the second time around could be due to data now being in the Rolling Cache, perhaps?

{Edit: 2nd-time around, after exiting the sim & restarting: 1 minute 3 seconds}

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And faster on the second try?

Maybe I’m too inpatient, but never actually managed to get into the game except once about an hour ago. Tried deleting rolling cache and starting the sim with an empty community folder, but nothing made any difference.

2nd-time around, after exiting the sim & restarting: 1 minute 3 seconds

Same here, in the first few times I could start a flight. But then nothing… clearing scenery caches, rolling caching, nothing helped.
I do see new “Lockers 2” as the other screenshots here , and some “WaitLoad” , maybe it can’t load some data? but zero downloads… so it’s not clear what is missing.

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Anybody else get this install msg in sim after downloading update? 30 minutes and counting…

Anyone having this weird issue getting into free flight?
I click a location, hit the fly now and it goes to the big map, but just stays on that.
I have hit Esc, touch the map, hit the fly button again then it will trigger properly into completing the FF entry.

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Seems not SU2 related, see existing report: Long loading/infinite time for free flight after pressing "Start flight" - LOD reduce as workaround

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