Stop auto bumping threads in the suggestion forum

The topic bumper is going sequentially through old topics, so right now we’re in August. Back in August, there was no voting system, and there were a lot of newcomers to the forums who didn’t know the rules for the category (if there were rules…I’m not even sure if there were!). That changed as we moved into the fall. In the meantime, the forums team is cleaning up those old posts daily. If you go back 24 hours into the Wishlist, you shouldn’t find duplicates. (And if you do find some where someone like me isn’t asking a clarifying question of the OP, please flag them!)

The topic bumper also gives forum newcomers exposure to older ideas, as well.

Respectfully, I disagree with that logic. In the past 24 hours, I have found two older topics that I really liked and voted for. It also pulled up something on accessibility that fits into the Microsoft “No Pilots Left Behind” initiative.

Here are two topics that I voted for: 1, 2. Both of them were authored by you, and have not been at the top of Wishlist since August and September. I would love to see them bumped some day because I would love to see both of them implemented!

I’ll also add that manually bumping topics is not allowed, nor is petitioning for votes. Without naming names, some (not all, but some) of the most popular topics in Wishlist are products of deliberate topic bumping and promotion campaigns all over the forums. This is something we are trying to crack down on in order to level the playing field for everyone’s ideas. In my opinion, having a bot that doesn’t care about flight simming automatically bump topics for everybody ensures more fairness in the forums.