I’ve been scouring the MSFS forum on this topic but can’t find anything recent. I can’t seem to get rid of the rudder/aileron coordination. As the title suggests, I have disabled auto rudder but turns continue to be coordinated. In fact, when I input aileron (either left or right) without touching the rudder pedal, the ball swings wildly into the direction of the turn and gradually settles into the center (with no rudder input). It is near impossible to use rudders effectively in the air. Hoping someone can provide some suggestions? I am using the Logitech Pro Flight Rudder Pedals along with the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and Bravo Throttle Quadrant.
I am also wondering about this. I have all assistance and easy settings turned off and instead of seeing the ball swing wildly, it barely moves. Flying Pipers all the time and virtually none of the Cessna, so I can’t say about the above pics. I know that the Piper and yoke is tied to the rudder with some springs and I think the Cessna is too, but I don’t know if the sim is portraying this. Last weekend, I had the opportunity to go up in a Piper, but I didn’t handle the rudder. It didn’t look like the instructor used much rudder input even in a gusty crosswind. It didn’t take but a slight turn of the yoke to start steep turn.