Strange artifac on TBM930 wings after ( Sim Update 2

After update the tbm has the wheels suspension up through the wings.

Do you have a picture? I am downloading the new release now…

I was only flying at night, yesterday. I will have a look this morning to see if it is there on my plane. Let me know if you are going to Zendesk it. If not, I can. A picture paints a thousand planes.

Thanks for the picture!

Sorry, I left my aluminum water bottle on your wing.

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Nothing is sticking out of my wings this morning. That is strange. Was there anything with your flight that seemed different?

Are you using any TBM add-ons?

Today it was not here… Must have flown away…
(No addons)
Crazy software… ,:crazy_face:

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That image you have may be worth Zendesking. That could be causing some aerodynamic issues with that wing? Even if it is hidden from us… Was it on both wings or just the one?

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