Strange performance issue

When switching to VR, FPS takes a huge dip for around 30 seconds or so to around 10 FPS, and then starts to wind up to its proper FPS in the smooth range 30+. Sometimes, it stays stuck in the lower range and never winds up even though all the conditions are the same. Anyone else experience this? Is there a bug I don’t know about? Anyway around this?

Gosh darn. I found a thread on this:

Sorry for the duplicate post. Glad to know I’m not the only one.

These are two different issues, though may have the same underlying cause.

The one you bring up happens fairly often with me. I just wait a while for things to settle and then continue as normal.

The second one occurs when leaving VR (usually to make some change to VR or control settings) I leave VR then I close Windows Mixed Reality Portal software interface, make my changes and then re-enter VR. The WMR portal software loads again, and the flight continues as before.

I’ve also found that I get better clarity in VR if I start the WMR portal software before starting MSFS 2020.

Maybe this will help you enjoy your flying with less irritation.

Try to pre-cache the map you fly on. No more FPS dips. I had the same issue, went to manual cache and precached the maps. I have very tiny stutters now from time to time, but no more fps dips.

That’s not an option for me because I fly somewhere new every time.

Check your Internet connection, see if you are being throttled. If your internet speed goes like up-down-up-down, you may need to run a ping with -t to your internet provider domain:

ping -t

Where is your ISP domain. This may or may not help. This supposed to keep your internet alive though. In case they throttle you when your PC goes idle, or on regular basis.

Also it doesn’t take long time to precache an area, depending your internet connection is fast enough. Takes literally a few minutes for Low and a bit longer for Medium, since you can’t include as much of an area as on low.

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