Hi, I have a weird problem. I recently decided to fly from Banff Airstrip, CYBA. When the scenery loaded, I was presented with this!
I emptied my community folder but the problem still exists. Any suggestions would be very welcome!
Hi, I have a weird problem. I recently decided to fly from Banff Airstrip, CYBA. When the scenery loaded, I was presented with this!
I emptied my community folder but the problem still exists. Any suggestions would be very welcome!
Is it third party or Native MSFS? If its Native, it might be an update to the UK in content manager? If you go into content manager it should show if any updates are pending on the left hand side.
Another thought would be… Have you installed the UK and Ireland World Update from the marketplace? You might need that. (If we’re talking about Aberdeenshire in Scotland) or the Canada WU if not.
Do you mean Banff, Canada, just beside the main highway?
That’s not even listed on my MSFS airport list and having found it through Google, mine doesn’t even look like yours - it’s just a patch of grass
There isn’t any issue with your PC.
This appears to be an issue with the sim scenery, I get the same thing.
It should be a grass strip.
If you look in Bing Maps, which is used to generate the scenery, it appears oddly, and I suspect this is why the scenery looks this way.
FYI, it also isn’t a public airport, it is used only for emergency and diversionary landings!
Interesting, although I removed all scenery in my community folder there are were still some libraries. Removing them gave me your grass strip. Now to narrow it down to which one is causing probs. Thanks!
If the following are in my community folder then I get the White & Opaque squared pattern!
If I remove them then I get the grassy strip as per your pic!!! How can Navigraph data cause this???
Interesting, I don’t have any scenery libraries in the Community Folder.
I’ll have to investigate this a bit further.
I"ll check Navigraph as well.
The nav data will add some airports.
That’s what the Navigraph data will do, if there is an airport in the navdata, but no airport described in the MSFS scenery, or custom scenery files. When that happens though I see a non-descript airport runway with no buildings around it, but I don’t see that checkerboard pattern on it.
If I download 3rd party freeware scenery for this airstrip, CYBA, then I get the extra scenery graphics ALONG WITH THE WHITE & OPAQUE CHEQURED RUNWAY. Very weird! If I remove these 3 NAVIGRAPH FOLDERS THEN THE 3RD PARTY FREEWARE SCENERY WORKS FINE!
Yes, after removing Navigraph, in the base sim, CYBA doesn’t exist.
It is added, as mentioned by hobanagerik above, by Navigraph.
I would contact them and mention this issue.
I don’t know why the squares would appear though. With the Navigraph data removed I wonder if it highlights an issue with the terrain textures in that location?
I have posted in their support forum.
Obviously it must be a runway with a ‘chequered’ history !
Navigraph have fixed the bug, I just received this email:-
I have fixed the bug now and I have created a revision 2 of the current cycle. So please update the MSFS AIRAC cycle via the Navigraph Navdata Center:”
I must say that’s excellent service from Navigraph!