[Strange stutter] When the sun is at 180° of the camera u get a stutter

i’m still having it as well in SU10 so appreciate the votes :+1:


which airport was that in your video ? :slight_smile:

It was LOWI Innsbruck, but it happens worldwide pretty much.


I guessed LOWI , but would be sure… I try tomorrow to see same effect , seems I need a ref. to find the issue :grin:

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nope… can’t reproduce… I in special jump into the B-47 with big window and there is not that stutter :thinking:

I experience this issue still in SU10 in DX11, but not in DX12 interestingly. I have tried to reproduce it many times in DX12 and cannot make it happen in that mode. In DX11 for me the severity of the stutter increases the lower the sun angle is, worst at sunrise and sunset.

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What is your LOD settings ?

is at 190… other settings are at ultra… motion blur, lense *,… is off.
( rollingcache is off too, who knows )

I think whole time about:

I tried different days and daytimes too, but may be I choose allways the days where the effect is low or not present. In next tests I would check situation, where sun is near “ground”.

OK. Also try to bump your LOD to above 200 as i believe there is some connection between the two.

ha… I think… I’am at LOWI, now… sun is deep and if I look into the sun, then to the oppisite direction there is a short “moment of wait” in starting around 150… ° ( estimated :wink: ). But it is only one time. If I want to produce that little “hicks” again, I must again look back to the sun.

Then tried with TLOD 250 ( its normaly to much for my 8700k ) and hmmm, feelt the “hicks” takes a bit longer.
With TLOD 400 it is a stutter. But again same thing, I need to look back into the sun to cause that.

So, with TLOD <200 it can nearly avoided, or ? … and it seems realy depend on the angle of the sun.


Nice finding. It seems each got a bit different experience of this bug.

It is also hard to put the finger on what is causing it, as in the dev mode i dont see either the mainthread or the GPU producing a red line.

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check windows task manager
GPU Copy is spiking

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I get the same stutter with sun behind in outside camera view (camera location between sun and plane). Been doing it for months both DX11 and 12.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

It appear after SU10. When sun backlighting aircraft.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

This reproduces for me on AMD and Intel CPU’s, with AMD and Nvidia GPU’s.

The main thing that exaggerates the effect, is increasing the value of Off Screen Terrain Pre-Caching. The higher that setting, the more likely it is to occur, and more severe it becomes when it does occur.

Same problem with me, already described here

When panning around in the cockpit on airport ground the CPU load rises and it stutters in the direction opposite to the sun. TLOD less than 200 and/or pre-caching less than HIGH reduces the problem.
I also noticed that it doesn’t occur with DX12, but there are other graphical problems with that.

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Did someone find a fix for this?

No, it’s still doing this.

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In VR you can reproduce It clearly from inside the cockpit, if you have Sun in one window and you look alternatively to the Sun and the opposite windows, It stutters. More lod, longer the stutters.
The really bad thing is that if you look each window 5 or 6 times alternatively focusing on the sun, flight simulator crashes to Desktop.

Happened twice today in sunset.

Mom told me not to look at the sun. This is why.