Since the past 2-3 SUs (forgot which one exactly), at regular intervals I’m getting an error message while flying to the effect that due to my internet connection being too slow, I’ll be disconnected from streaming data and switched to offline mode. And when I go to the settings/data, Bing Data World Graphics is being turned off indeed.
So, what I do is switch Bing Data World Graphics back on, and I’ll be good to fly normally - with streamindgdata - for the next 15-20 minutes, before getting the error message again. And so on.
Now, my internet connection is fine. I’m on a PCCW 1000MB/s fiber connection, do not get disconnected, can run speedtest while flying and I do get the 1000MB/s speed I pay for. No other issue surfing the web, high speed downloading including while flying etc… My internet is lightning fast and works. Also, I live in Hong-Kong, connect to the South East Asia server with a ping of 45ms, which looks normal to me.
Is this a known issue to which there is an obvious fix ?
I’ve raised tickets before, will do that if there is no known fix to my issue, thought I’d ask here first.