Struggling to Import SimBrief Flight Plan to Cessna 172 G1000 in MSFS 2024

I’m having trouble getting my SimBrief flight plan to import into the Cessna 172 G1000 using the in-game EFB in MSFS 2024. The import button isn’t doing anything, and I’m not sure what I’m missing.

What I’ve done so far:

  • Installed the most recent SimBrief app for MSFS 2024
  • Logged into SimBrief in the EFB
  • Generated a valid flight plan

Issue: Clicking “Import Route” in the EFB does nothing… no errors, no loading, just nothing happening.

I’d appreciate any advice! Has anyone else run into this issue? Is there a workaround, or am I missing a step? Thanks!

Note: Not “Navigraph Avionics Plugin”

I had this same issue and, in my instance, it was the result of having both an old and the current version of the SimBrief Dispatch addon in my community folder.

As far as I know you have to export the flightplan in SimBrief to a file, then import that file (*.pln) in the EFB with the button on the bottom. The webInterface of SimBrief has extra buttons to export the fligthplan in variaous formats, for different programs.

The "Import “Route” Button in the EFB only imports flightplans created with MS online Flightplaner (

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I believe they’re referencing the SimBrief Dispatch EFB app which allows you to generate or open a previously generated SimBrief flight plan and click “Import Route” (within the Dispatch app) which sends the route from SimBrief to the default EFB Planner app. From there you can choose “File Plan with ATC” and/or “Send Route to Avionics” from the Planner app.

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I sure am! I didn’t realise I could upload an image – oops!

That sort of makes sense of my theory that MS want to replace Navigraph with their own planning tools.

I don’t know if that’s true, but they definitely want to replace the necessity for a custom API for places like SimBrief to load into an airplane with their own. It’s easier to have a route sent to the EFB and then the EFB goes to the plane than having to have every aircraft link with SimBrief directly.

Agreed that seems to be the plan, since EFBs are an important part of a professional pilots life.

Having said that, pilots are trained to program the MCDU/FCU manually.

Agreed, and I don’t think that option is ever going away. Additionally, pilots pull in saved routes all the time, so this is still simulation real-world practices in some ways.