Stuck in check update


I have been trying to get my sim running again for 2 weeks.
Everything was running smoothly and now suddenly it’s not.
When I start the sim, the checkinh before updates screen appears.
The loading circle rotates but does not go away.
I have already removed everything from the content folder.
I have uninstalled things like Fenix or FBW, i.e. external programs.
Windows is up to date and there are no updates available in the store or in the xbox app.
I also had the files checked via the settings and the Xbox app. nothing was found there either.

If anyone knows anything else that would be great because I’m really starting to have no idea why it’s so hard to get this thing to work.

many thanks.

Translated with (free version)


Manually resynch your PC’s time. I don’t know how and why my clock got out by about a minute, but resynching solved it for me.

See also:

Moved to Install, Performance & Graphics that is more appropriate.

Same - though, it’s not stuck - it eventually gets running normally.

That said, it needs to be fixed.

What is happening for quite a few weeks (around last update released), is simply not acceptable, horrible what is happening with sim functionality. Isn’t one day at my place to not have problems, freezed sim, CTDs, not started, crashed and what is more not acceptable- some strange intervention during flight → something sets my Photogrametry and Bing to OFF. Just like now, approaching destination and see some strange textures. First idea - its here again. Did look at settings and woalaaa - all is set to OFF without my intervention. Ok, did set it to ON and CTD after minute without going further. Really so bad functionality that never had before. Nothing helps, log in/off, restart PC. Hope I’m not right about my previous idea about end of MSFS2020 correct functionality after last SU.

It’s a known problem and they’re investigating.

In the meantime, I find that restarting the sim works. It happens early on, so you won’t have wasted much time.

Happend to me a few times. Alt + F4 and restart usually fixes it, unless I am downloading Po… err, I mean… educational material on the side.

These are prime examples of the poor MS servers. Do you have another server you can try?

Delete your UserCfg.opt file. (save it if desired to re use it)

run FS2020.

  1. It will install the Launcher (2 GB) on your C: (boot) drive.
  2. Point it to where the “Installed Packages” are if you have moved them.
  3. Replace your saved UserCfg.opt file if needed.

It’s happening on my Xbox Series X every time, ever since the latest SU15 beta build. Can’t use the simulator properly. The load can be triggered by putting the console offline and then reconnecting when at the main menu, but then the game world loses Bing and falls back to the offline world which looks like MSFS 1.0.

Restarting the console fixed it for me last night. Definitely a server problem that needs fixing.

It doesn’t fix it for me, it’s a permanent problem.

Same issue on the Series X. I can get past the check for updates screen by holding the Xbox button on my controller but then just get stuck in the load screen. Restarting is not fixing the issue.

Same here. Before I thought I had every issue but at least not CTD’s - until the last few weeks. Without warning I’m experiencing this too. Not even listing the other weird issues that I can manage with. But sim occasionally changing my settings by itself, it’s a bit of a nuisance.

I was coming back to the stuck on update screen issue. Syncing system settings seemed to help for couple but now even that is not working. Today not going past it.

In the past years I’ve tested this sim on two different computers, problems persist.

Same here. PC MS Store version.

Same problem hier on Steam. Since 2 days, always stuck on loading screen. Sometimes it works after thousands of reloads. It is a serious Problem.

I’m able to quick resume on Xbox. Afraid to exit it. The marketplace has been unavailable since last night though.

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same i have it right now lol

jepp…the same issue as well :frowning: waiting 20min, still there :scream:

same for me :frowning: