I have tried everything 
It was installing fine and I think what happened is the download was interrupted. Now everytime I hit any key it tells me its checking for updates but then just goes to this screen…
Premium deluxe edition
I have tried LOADSSSSSSSS of things…
- turning off firewall
- running as admin
- updating drivers, xbox app, microsoft store etc…
- uninstalling
I thought logging out of the microsoft account would make it prompt me to log back in when opening the game but no such joy. Should I request refund through Steam and download elsewhere or what???
You could try downloading the new Win10 Xbox app: https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/apps/xbox-app-for-windows-10?ocid=companionupgrade_app_xbo_5.20
After several days of trouble-free use, MSFS 2020 suddenly wouldn’t let me past the ‘press any key to start’ screen. After I installed the above app and signed-in on it, MSFS 2020 worked fine.
Do a verify of game files on Steam. Do a Google search on how to do this as I’m not allowed to post links.
Yes, even tried all that too as well as clearing the download cache.
Also downloaded the Xbox app too but had no luck.
Last straw, its a new desktop I have so gone for a full format and will try again now - fingers crossed
Someone on the Flight Simulator 2020 Facebook group has the same issue. That’s not you by any chance?
Nope not me pal, I dont want to jinx it here but the full desktop format and reset has finally got me to a page where its downloading !!! Whooooop
Will know for sure in xx amount of hours if it completes.
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erghhhhhhhh… so I almost got to the end and now its downloading fs-base… then gets to like 7% then just starts again
Man this game sucks!
I would get a refund from Steam and purchase it from Microsoft which I think most people have done myself included.
Finally installed but if I select to FLY I get the loading screen of death, over and over and over again!!!
Done just this.
Bought it via the xbox app and all paid for, yet the game isnt showing anywhere for me to actually begin install etc…