Study Level Fighter Jet

Is there anything on the horizon here?

Something like the VRS Superbug from FSX. IMO that was on the same level as PMDG737/FenixA320 in terms of systems modeling and switch functionality…

I’ve flown the MSFS Super Warrior F-18 - fun to fly but it doesn’t even come close…

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I think the closest to study level for a military fast jet for MSFS is the Just Flight Hawk. I’m sure you are aware of the sim with a large collection of study level military aircraft modules.


I doubt you’ll ever get what you’re asking for. Too many of the systems on newer models are still classified, and precious few people have the kind of access required on the older models. You’d probably have to find one owned by a private individual that’s willing to let the dev spend time “up close and personal” with the plane, and that’s not likely to be anything newer than Korean War era.

There’s several people who own Phantoms, A-4’s and F-100’s. Collings Foundation owns all three.

So far there is none plane in MSFS at Study Level :wink:

He was asking if anyone knows of any in development.

IFE is working with Heatblur to bring their DCS F-14 over to MSFS.
That will probably be what you’re looking for.


I’m very intrigued to see what the Heatblur one is like but I got the impression that Heatblur is supplying the visuals and Indiafoxtecho is making it work in the sim.

I like their products but they’re not known for exhaustive fidelity.

study level fighters? MSFS cant touch DCS in that regard. why not try that one?
play each sim up for its strengths

each one suits its own niche well


If you really want a study level fighter plane, then try the Falcon 4.0 Allied Force. It’s an Windows stand-alone oldie, but all weapon systems are painstakely modelled.


I for one, welcome our upcoming T-38 overlords.

Falcon 4.0 is now available on Steam FYI…Microprose bought the rights and plan to do some upgrades. It’s super cheap too.

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You’re missing out on IFE’s M-346. It had IRL type certified pilots for it when it was in beta.

I have DCS for my fighterjet adventures… Only reasons i can think off to fly a fighter in msfs is to go low and fast, “escort” another player or do some aerobatics…
For the shooting and hunting stuff you really need another sim/game

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There is plenty of appeal to flying a military aircraft in MSFS. It’s not all about shooting and dropping bombs.


anything you can do in MSFS you can do in the “other sim” as well plus the added combat aspects. For “study level” aircraft the other game is the only option.

Copied that… F-16 in DCS… and everything else is rubbish ( to me it is)

I’ve got them all, no complaints about any of it. Just don’t have the time to dig as deep into systems as I’d like


I liked the VRS Superbug in FS9 and FSX (later with TacPack). But once I started using DCS, I never felt the urge again to simulate military flights in a civilian flight sim.
Since then, I’ve always used XP, P3D and now MSFS beside DCS. Right now, with some interesting new realeses (and some more pending), I’m more biased towards DCS. I really enjoy its fluid flight model and its graphics, and if you want to simulate a fighter aircraft in its entirety, there’s no way around this sim (in my opinion).

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You can’t fly a Hawk from RAF Valley down to the Mach Loop in the other sim. How about training sorties over Scotland?