Stutters and poor LOD on 7800X3D and GTX 4080

7800X3D and GTX 4080 and this beta is crazy stutter-y, LOD isn’t great either. Seeing wonderful screenshots online and wondering what I’m doing that they’re not.

Appreciate the work going into bettering the sim.

Moved to Install, Performance & Graphics, modified title to reflect the issue seen, added tags.

Thanks for the edit and the move, hastily written post on my part, troubleshooting as we speak and just wanted to fire something out into the ether.

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Hello former xbox pilot! I have learned the hard way that beta test reports are only useful with some rigor put around them. We kinda have to develop our own test cases, with defined conditions, settings, and expected outcomes to see if a test passes or fails. What we found will have to be replicated to be identified for further action. The more we can say what we did and how, the better chance others have of trying the same and replicating the outcome. Make sense?

I have the same CPU, but a RTX4080 Super.

I’ve not played in a while but also getting stuttering and also ghosting.

Reverting back to see if this is due to the beta.

Yep, Beta breaks the game for me

Windows version?
nVidia driver version?
Tested internet speed?

These are all important.

I have zero stutters and good FPS / Latencies with my 7950X3D and 3090 Ti.

Windows 11 Pro 23H2
nVidia 566.12
1Gb fiber (computer connected with WiFi 6 tests @ 500-600 Mb/s with Ookla SpeedTest.)

4K (DLSS Quality)
Mostly Ultra/High
TLOD=175, OLOD= 150

I would love to have a 4080 Super.

LOD is a separate issue. I’m convinced they intentionally crippled it with the 2nd patch - for reasons…

Performance hasn’t changed a bit for me… still great in the beta.

4090, i9-13900k, Windows 11

Sounds like there’s an issue locally on your computer.

Performance and quality superb after installing su1 beta.

2K 140 Render Scaling TAA, 7950X3d 4080 S and 96 GB RAM.

I can also confirm significantly worse performance scaling with LOD.
I have a 9800X3D with 96 GB of memory. I am observing 70fps with drops down to 20fps when panning the camera (precaching set to ULTRA). When I change pre-caching to LOW the minimum FPS when panning improves but it still isn’t great. Previously a higher pre-caching setting with fast ram would improve performance. Memory allocation for the sim was consistent for both pre-caching settings (21 GB during testing).

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I’m also running a 7800X3D paired with the AMD 7800XT 16GB GPU and 64GB ram. Since the beta I had improved performance untill the last 2 days when micro stutters are pretty bad. I’m running at 1440p with settings between high/ultra, for me it’s the airliners I get major stutters with, despite my VRAM being around the 13/14GB mark, then when I go into something such as a Cessna the vram drops and frames improve however micro stutters are still there. LOD has increased alot for me, if they would sort out the vram issue I think a lot of people would be enjoying the sim more.

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I’m getting the same here. Microstutters are quite bad in the beta

I have a 7800X3D and 4080 Super and Beta has worse performance at the same settings. I have to reduce TLOD to 100, with high settings, and my GPU is still maxed out even at altitude. Appears to be VRAM consumption.
I was well under VRAM saturation with the same settings (200 TLOD) outside of Beta.

I found out, that on major airports with the FENIX, I have to go down to TLOD 60 to be able to get into the range of 80 fps, everything below is stuttering alot for me. 5800X3d, RTX4090

I also have significant periodic stutters with a 7800X3D and a 4080, especially at larger airports. Exiting into windowed mode - especially if the window is small seems to fix it temporarily. Went back to none-beta and stuttering is gone, so this appears to be beta related.

Sadly, the same problem here too. It doesn’t matter what setting you use…I even did the absurd thing of setting LOD 10 and the stutters always happen in the short final…it’s practically impossible to land. It got a lot worse with Beta 2.

64gb RAM
M.2 Samsung 990 2T
500mb full duplex
Windows 11 Pro 23H2
Nvidia 566.36
DLSSv3 v310.2.1 Render Preset: J