Stutters every few seconds with high end PC

If you are running antivirus then pause it. Also describe your set up (meaning what type of hard drives are you using and how full are they?) Is Windows managing your virtual memory?

I use only Windows Defender.

I run Windows and FS in a Samsung 860 Evo Sata3 SSD of 1Tb with more than 700Gb of free space

So not AV. Again regardless of how much space you have make sure your virtual memory is Windows managed.

Also in bios is virtualisation disabled? (SVM in mine)

Yes it’s disabled

Then I’m puzzled … All I can suggest now is set NVCP to default and turn off all processes that you can in task manager and try again with just a keyboard and mouse and everything else unplugged.

Tried resetting Radeon Software to default. Also stopping some services from Task Manager. No results. Same stutter (or microstutter, they are short).

It’s driving me crazy, a smooth like butter sim but ruined by this.

Is your ram on your mainboard’s support list? and while you are there check for newer bios

Yes. It’s a supported RAM. I have the XMP profile active. And the latest BIOS installed.

try without xmp, it is an overclock after all

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Yeah, thisare annoying, i didnt have them before su6 but i think the fbw is also part if this. But generally, stuttering/pauses have increased in su6.

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Where did you install msfs20?
I hope it wasn’t: " C:\Program Files\ ", MS themselves have advised against it in the past.

Re. WinDefender… go into defender’s options and make an exception, tell it not to scan wherever msfs is installed.
Also, keep an eye on your CPU and GPU temps. Set a fan profile for the GPU to make sure that it doesn’t run hot.

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I have it in the default location yes. It’s recommended to install in another route?

Yes, anywhere apart from “C:\Program Files”.
Windows doesn’t like ~anything being in there but it’s own programs.

So you could install in…
eg. “C:\msfs”

or… “C:\msfs20”

or another “drive”. This is probably the safest/best option.

I’m in no way saying this will fix the performance issue, but it can certainly never hurt.

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Thanks! I’ll try it! I need to uninstall and reinstall? Or it’s possible to move the actual installation?

I can introduce stutters with an unbalanced overclock … Just sayin.

Although internet can also play it’s part, especially wifi in conjested areas … I almost always get a few stutters as the offices across the road start up their systems and that’s with my router literally six inches away from my PC

I have the PC with WiFi connection through 5Ghz, receiving about 250-300Mbps of my 600Mbps fiber connection.

Maybe I need to install a cable (PC and router are in different rooms)

For overclocking, I only have PBO + Curve Optimizer in Bios, and the curve is extensively tested to be stable (days and days of testing).

Do you have Riva tuner running? it has caused me problems before.

No, it’s not installed now.

In a rapid test, I noticed that most of the stuttering are caused by the FBW A32NX. With a default glass cockpit like TBM930, there are some here and there but less less frequent.

Yes, my observation too. With the latest updates, the FBW induces quite some stutters.

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I don’t fly airliners so can’t say too much except the FBW is still in developnent.

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