There’s still the GPU-message…
…or the next week, or the week after that…
In all honesty, it makes me nervous for SU11. Probably the biggest Update post-launch and they aren’t giving themselves the time they need.
Even recently, they removed SU10 from the Development Roadmap. That’s a tell if I’ve ever seen one.
It’s not deleted. It stands on 23 august and august is no longer on the roadmap.
The release of 23 august was postponed and the actual date was therefore not fixed.
I’m looking forward to the DLSS option.
Much like some of the remaining issues…
Hmmmm. Looks to me like SU10 ISN’T ON THE ROADMAP, so again, very telling. And this is the Updated one that goes until December.
Which part of this answer was not clear?
It kind of feels like Christmas Eve, waiting to open presents… namely one present, SU10
It’s not on the roadmap because the planned release date passed and they’re trying to get it released ASAP, as far as I understand. I just don’t think they moved it. Clearly, they’re not going to release SU11 without SU10, unless they roll them together, but I suspect it’s just that the original release date has passed and they haven’t added a new date to the roadmap.
This announcement was posted on 8 September:
The full release of Sim Update 10 is on its way, slated for next week! While we are pinpointing the exact day of release, our team is currently adding in our final changes and updates for SU10. Beta users can expect one final test build coming shortly. We have also been closely working with NVIDIA regarding our DX12 optimizations and we plan to release SU10 in conjunction with an NVIDIA driver update that will help one of the first issues our Beta users discovered (graphical glitches and artifacts).
Tomorrow perhaps?
Let’s hope so… “this week” is seeming more and more unlikely. I guess it’s up to NVIDIA though.
People are saying its still not ready to be put out. Maybe more time is what’s needed so they can make the majority of people happy. We will see
It’s really amusing how this thread circles.
- why isn’t released yet? when will it be released?
- when it’s ready.
- but they said…
- yeah we know but we saw what happens when they rush it.
- (silence)
- why isn’t released yet? when will it be released? someone told me that it’s ready
- …
Are we there yet are we there yet…
It’s all about the release date.
Nobody knows and everybody asks.
It’s not coming faster by asking when it will be released.
It’s not ready yet needs issues sorting before release still got a few bugs that need fixing.
If you kids in the back of the plane dont settle down I swear Im going to turn this thing around and you can sit in your rooms for the rest of the month ;p
Personally, I see it as a positive sign that SU10 is not being rushed out.
All too often in the past updates have been banged out just to meet a deadline when they were clearly not fit for purpose. The end result has often been some pretty bad bugs which we have had to live with for a longish period until the next update. It has also resulted in a bucket load of friction and negative comments (from me too) on this forum.
A lot of users complained about these bugged updates (yes, me too) and it seems that Asobo might now have finally taken these criticisms ‘on board’.
Well done to Asobo, in my opinion, for hanging in there and trying to do a decent update. I say also ‘please take a bit more time’ if that’s what you want to do. Numerous other devs don’t even commit to a deadline and only release when they are ready. I’m happy for Asobo to take a bit longer.
Just my thoughts on this FWIW.
They could do like No Mans Sky and always have a public ‘experimental branch’ active for people who want to be guinea pigs for the cutting edge beta features.
Relax guys… it will come.
I don’t know when, I don’t even care.
What I do care about is that when it releases, that it is good, without any hotpatches needed.
So therefor, I’ll wait patiently.
Maybe there is a scenario that they will merge su10 with 11?
Cheers Mark