SU 14 Beta

Ah, so “better communication” could have been your short answer. I understand, and the irony. :wink:

I also agree. That needs to improve.

There are many cases where new things that get reported during a beta have been fixed, but the majority appear to be a case of verifying what work has been done, has been done correctly. So it’s not so much a Beta as a QA pass.

What we are left with is throwing feedback blindly into the machine, which are processed by triage rules we are not privy to, leading to some issues that have been there since the release date. The classic low hanging fruit, the “I’ll do it when I get back from the pub!” type stuff that seem to get ignored year after year. Sometimes the voting appears to be completely ignored for the seemingly big ticket items.


no worries at all, looking forward to this update.
it will bring some visual changes which is always welcome.

Thanks @hobanagerik – that brought a definite smile to my face and a “wink” :wink:

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The “Asobo Zendesk, SDK Forum/ Beta_Reporting Machine” ?


At least with Darts, you get some feedback, and you hear if they hit the Dart Board.


Air Traffic improvement will start at SU15, ATC on SU14 l will be continued to have fix at least and adding ++


Expected today ?

Expected at the “early his week”. So reasonably vague for it not to pop today :slight_smile:

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There’s a good chance it will drop sometime today.

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I wouldn’t complain. Unlike the last SU, this one holds some improvements I’ve been looking forward to.

As it has been delayed from last week, and still has not dropped, it is reasonable to assume, they are still working on some last minute Fixes.

My way of thinking is that its better to release it when they are ready, rather than release something that they know need correcting, and may be is delaying a promised release date.

Have waited over 3 years for SU14, and few more days is not going to hurt any user.


Were you waiting for something specific in SU14? Looking back over the last 2-3 years I think it would be fair to say that if SU’s were released when ready, and not to a timetable, things would have gone a lot smoother.


What i learned from them so far is, that they are not making last minute changes.

I think it is more likely that they need approval for a slot to publish the Beta

Usually they have a slot for thursday evening but seem to try to get an earlier one.

If i am right they released content on mondays earlier. Usually 9:00 am Seattle time…


Just started the game (Microsoft Store) and receiving a 513,2MB update. Anyone else getting it? Could be the SU14 beta.

EDIT: Yes it is. Have fun everyone!


No update on my side (yet)

Edit: now i have the Update too :slight_smile:


New Beta is downloading for me now!
The WT Cirrus SR22 G6 has now mention in the SU14 beta release notes.
Has this been postponed since last weeks dev. update?

I anticipate that content updates (like the new SR22 and the planned World Update fixes) will come later during the beta’s lifecycle, since the exact same happened during the SU13 beta.


The SU14 Beta is now available. Please use the Sim Update 14 Beta section from now on. Thank you!