SU 14 Beta

Just saw that SU14 Beta will be released later this week.

I am very excited as it should bring improvements i was waiting for a long time :grinning:


Do you have a link to where this was announced? I’m also excited for this SU.

The link is in my original post.

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Hopefully the beta will include the atmospheric changes early on so that those in the know can request this be tweaked over iterations until its as accurate as it can get.


I couldn’t find any information about this

They said that it’s done so it will be included

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I linked the thread in my oroginal post, where a member of the customer support team says, that the SU14 beta will later this week

Here a screenshot, in case the link does not show or work for you:


very exciting news !
can’t wait to check out the new atmosphere.

Yes. I also have some hopes for improved ATC.
At least I hope.that some bugs get resolved, like the loss of audio on ATC.


Excited for Atc and snow fixes!

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We don’t really have to guess or speculate. What’s coming in SU14 is on the feedback snapshot slides was released in the last devblog last week with the updated slides.

Doesn’t mean because they’re on this list that they won’t be dropped and pushed to a future update, and doesn’t mean there won’t be other stuff. But I think that gives folks a decent idea what to expect from this build.


Yes, ans there are quite a few exciting things on that list.

  • atmosphere coloring
  • Snow coverage
  • ATC

Just to pick 3 out of many more.

This SU sounds very promising.


The #1 big thing for me - performance loss while using popout windows. Was supposed to be in SU12, got pushed to 13. Then is now listed as 14+. So fingers are crossed, but we’ll see.

I won’t fly if I can’t use popouts and Air Manager with my cockpit. Since SU12, performance with popouts has gotten worse for me. SU13 made it unplayable.

The other big thing for me is the Cirrus SR22T. The default SR22 is ok. But the mostly inop cockpit and poor performance of the non-turbo variant are a bit of a turnoff. This looks like it may fix it for me. Especially if they make the keypad functional.

I use to get excited about SU releases until the one last November/December that broke the entire game. and subsequent SU’s have fixed bugs introduced by SU’s and then re-broke those bugs in the next SU.

If they could just go back to the game around Sept/Oct 2022 on Xbox I would be happy.


The Sim Update 14 Beta is tentatively scheduled to release this Friday, but we will have a more concrete announcement in this Thursday’s Weekly Blog.


Will we have improvements with the use of Vram with dx12? Usage is quite high compared to dx11, are you already aware of this?


Hello everyone,

As an update to @Jummivana’s post here, if you read today’s Dev Blog, you’ll have seen that the SU14 beta is now scheduled to start early next week, not Friday.




I hope SU14 beta is better managed than the last one, many of us felt the SU13 beta was severely lacking in many areas as mentioned at the time in the “stepping out of beta” thread. The whole area of public beta testing needs a massive overhaul, I’m not expecting that now but an improvement is necessary.

Thank you.


What would you say would be the biggest improvement they could make on that front?


I won’t repeat what I said, my post on that thread (which as a whole should be read) is here;

Thank you