I have discovered one incompatible add-on for MSFS so far which may cause problems with MSFS.
I thought it might be a good idea to create a list of suspected or known unfixed software that creates issues with regard to third-party software in SU7. I hope this will help diagnose any issues that some people may be having and save people lengthy time researching and deleting third-party software one at a time in order to diagnose a problem affecting MSFS.
Here is a start…
Unreal-weather-live-metar is causing menu items NOT to appear, especially under the ‘World Menu’
options within MSFS.
Removing this add-on resolved this issue for me, see screenshot of problem below of issue I had.
This helps to confirm my findings too, hopefully if other people discover incompatible software and post it here along with the updated fixes, we can save ourselves a lot of time trying to figure out what the problem is with our simulator. Sometimes Asobo get the blame unfortunately, it’s great they implemented ‘safe-mode’ too.
Absolutely. I don’t have a whole lot installed right now. Just carry overs from last update. So far Unreal is the only thing that seems to be misbehaving.
Edit: Sorry, it was not Unreal that was causing the sim to hang on loading. It is the FBW A320 Dev version. Uninstalled and installed Exp. version and sim loads fine.
Unreal Weather is only causing the no Weather UI issues that I can tell.
I think so, sure I recall seeing something posted elsewhere. That’s what made me look into it. Can’t recall the thread right off hand.
Don’t think they said it was specifically causing the sim to hang up but just that there were some ‘serious issues with SU7 Dev ver.’ and recommended going to the Exp. ver. in the meantime.
Carenado aircraft may be a problem too?, I think we will need more confirmation on this however, all this information will help others hopefully to find a speedy solution to incompatibility issues.
With regard to the development version of the A32X, it works! At least it works for me. It took ages to load. I just changed from the stable release to the development version.
JamAir, you might want to check to see if you have the latest development version of the A32X and also check to see if it’s a specific livery that is causing your problem with this aircraft, otherwise you have another issue.
Yes, we understand that the issues need to be reported to the third-party software developers. The Asobo team have nothing to do with the third-party software, and we should not bother them directly with problems with third-party software that they do not support. Asobo have enough to do. This thread could potentially stop Asobo being troubled with call’s that their simulators are broken by Asobo when really it’s not. The problem is usually down to third-party software in many instances.
And yes, writing here DOES help because it allows other people to trouble-shoot quicker. I spent some time trying to work out what third-party application was stopping my menu items within MSFS from working. That ‘leg work’ has been done for you if you experience the same problem.
I think you have misunderstood the reasoning and aim behind this thread.
If you are a VR user and use “fs base ingame panels metar” this addon in the community folder causes the “you are missing some packages” message during startup and prevents sim from starting.
Great to know, hopefully someone else will verify this.
Incidently, Shirt Z Stats and Push Back Toolbar Helper are working along with AIG Traffic Manager that had an update today! I thought the first two toolbar utilities that I mention here in this post were causing my initial problem.
Many past beta testers have reported that they did indeed catch all the bugs and reported them. Only the update was launched without fixing the bugs. This goes all the way back to the alpha over a year and a half ago. In fact, we’re still dealing with issues that alpha testers reported in early 2020. The beta system only works if the devs actually act on the bug reports.
Now, hopefully going forward, we’re going to be seeing a 2 month window between code updates, with world updates not having any code changes attached (at least that’s their plan). Hopefully this gives them the window to get betas into the hands of the testers early and to actually have time to act upon the bugs before release. At least in theory, that’s what should happen. We’ll have to wait and see how that plays out in practice.
`Just thought I would post that, after SU7, at the “Checking for Updates” page I was getting a warning that updates were required to a package and MSFS wouldn’t run with out these updates. After much hassle, I traced this to an add on Toolbar utility called “fs-base-ingamepanels-metar”. So, If you get these warnings, check if you have this utility and delete it.
If you do not already have the N32NX installer, I highly recommend it. This version will update the Development and Standard version and keep you up to date without any fuss…
REX Real Global Airport Textures application also get a new update. 1.2GB download!