SU7: TBM 930/WT G3000 Still Crashes

You are right. The 0.7.6a is hard to find. Carnt remember where o got it. On the WT site 0.7.6 is the last file. Strange!?


I’m with 0.7.6 and working ok to me. Some important fixes with ’ a ’ version?

I had that as well and it came from the Bijan terrain mask. The terrain mask is new and optional. Once I removed that all was well.

That apparently was to silence the never ending alarm introduced in the last MSFS “bug fix”. Now that alarm problem is more or less fixed by MS, version 0.76 should work without problem. I used v0.76a to solve the alarm problem and went back to 0.76 after this last update. No problems so far.

Yup same here. Also noticed the mesh made runways a bit brown and earth like so happy to remove it.

One fix I think I found for this issue is to use an external switch ( I use a Bravo switch) and leave it on all the time. Have not had a battery CTD since in any aircraft.

Have not tested in a while but I eliminated CTDs with the WT G3000 by switching instrument refresh rate from middle to low.

I was having this problem with the 0.7.5 WT mod but updating to the latest version 0.7.6 has solved the problem for me at least. I do have frame rates dropping to single digits though when I first start the sim, I’m assuming it’s to do with the G3000 data loading?, after about 20 seconds my frame rates return to normal.

Having random WTG3000 CTD’s, just installed it today and had two CTD’s after having none for a long time. Both of them happened mid-flight as I was getting close to my destination. Between the CTD’s and the lack of VNV, probably gonna have to give up on the G3000 for the time being. I’m sure they’re planning on fixing all these bugs, so I’ll just come back to it as soon as its stable.

It’s happening to me at KTLR/Mefford Field in California. Thought the CTD was a fluke yesterday, but happened again just now. Forgive me if I don’t try the airport you mentioned, because I hate having to reload the sim!

So far, it’s been crashing consistently, every flight. Mugz Mod SU7 compatible and WT G3000 0.7.6 under the SU7 Patch Beta.

Notably, I had to create a separate Throttle Quadrant profile with RPM and Mixture axes unmapped. The mere existence of them being mapped caused CTDs right at Cold & Dark during startup procedure.

The rest of the CTDs are in-flight. I managed to get almost a whole hour and was 60NM from arrival when it crashed out. So far, no common root cause. All my other aircraft, stock and/or freeware, are perfectly stable.

WT g3000 mod causes my game to freeze at Fly Now for the past several days. The mod has worked perfectly for the last couple of months but no longer. I have been optimising my system for VR flying but reversing any settings I have changed has not fixed the problem. Disabling the WT g3000 mod makes everything else work as it should so I have run out of ideas at this point in time.