SU7: TBM 930/WT G3000 Still Crashes

… at various airports when activating the battery from cold&dark. It does not happen everywhere at every time but way too often. One example is EDJA (Memmingen). I have only WT G3000 0.76 active. This problem is now since two or three Sim Updates - WT/Asobo what are you doing over there?

Please note, I don’t have any Navigraph active! I also tried the “alt B” key command.

its the mod that has issues, remove it for now.

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Since three months?

I wish that WT could give an official statement on this.

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We need a good 3rd party TBM to be done.

It’s one of the most popular default planes in the sim.

It looks good but that’s as far as it goes which is typical of default planes that have no depth for systems and flight models. I’m totally giving up on default planes as more and more top-quality 3rd party planes are released for the sim.


this has been always so, fsx, xp, p3d.
you need 3d party stuff for best experience.

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I have 0.76 version about 2 weeks and all is working perfectly to me, FPL, DEP, APP, simply addon that I can’t live without. Really best addon to TBM930, also working good with new Update.

Could you please try a c&d startup at EDJA Parking #2?

As I said it is not at every airport at every time. It also seems to depend on the amount/quality of scenery around the airport. But I have not yet found any scenery add-on which is directly causing these CTDs except WT G3000 itself.

Have been flying the tbm930mod/wtg3000 for last2 months. 1, one Ctd in that time at battery on switch.

No issues here with the WT G3000, except for both the WT and Stock G3000 I have started getting these odd blocks - no idea what is causing it - only appeared since SU7

The blocks come from Bijans terrain masks. Do you have this add-on installed?

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When the sim freezes after you turn the battery on, just give it a minute or two. Will come back to live.

aah. Just installed the 4 seasons pack. Shame as I really like the autumn (Fall) trees. Maybe I could keep the season pack and remove the terrain mask :man_shrugging:

Thanks for the info though - good to know why!

I have CTD, not a Freeze, so nothing to wait for


did test now as you wanted, no problems from cold and dark startup. I did everytime CTRL+E engine startup and also with Live weather, all is working.

ok to those who seem oblivious to this issue.

This is a WT G3000 issue that has been around for a long time. It happens when you turn on the battery. It will cause the sim to freeze up for a sec and then crash to desktop.
It is a issue logged in their bug tracker so they(WT) are aware of it, but for some reason seem to not want to address it. Maybe because they will completely overhaul the system at a later point?.

It is very inconsistent so many will probably not even experience this issue.

There are some things you can try to minimize it happening.

  • wait a minute before pressing “fly now”
  • flip on the generator and other switches before turning the battery on

This has helped the issue for me, but not eliminated it completely.

The only info I have found that can explain whats going on is that the data being loaded into the WT G3000 might not be finished loading as the sim is ready to “fly now”.

Are you sure you get last WT version

Moved to Third Party addons.

That seems to help. Thanks a lot.

Can’t find a Version 0.7.6a