Sudden drop off in performance fps

After tinkering around with graphical settings I generally get a stable 35 - 45 fps depending on the weather etc., but recently I will be flying okay and then all of a sudden the performance drops to 8 - 15 fps and does not recover when changing any settings like; clear skies, etc., even when I exit to the menu screens. I have to exit the game and then restart to get it to stop with the bad performance.
It will then work okay and then after an hour or so it will start with its ■■■■ again and just makes it unplayable!
I do a lot of ILS approach flights in bad weather by setting up GPS/FMS, ILS. ADF navigational aids and flying autopilot.
I seem to have fewer problems with the more basic aircraft.

I have the following specs: i8700k CPU, 32GB RAM, SSD drives, 2080 Super on a 49inch 1440 display.
All my temps are okay. No thermal throttling ect. Also, I noticed that my CPU seems to be loaded less when the performance drops off.


Yeah, I think there are many memory leaks in the code. I experience exactly the same thing, super smooth then all of a sudden I get single digit FPS. When that happens, I have to do what you do which is quit the game and restart. I’ve reported this to Zendesk but not sure if they are looking at it.

Same here ! I think this is a Server / internet issue.
I have a fast internet connection but still when the internet communication with the server increases the FPS drops a lot.
This happens even if the up and down communication is less than 10-20 Mbits.

I think this is a high motivation for the developers and the support… If they ever read that.

While I too am frustrated with the bugs, you have to understand the scope of the MSFS project. Just look at what they have done, it’s incredible. They are in it for the long haul so I know they will fix these issues. Sure, it could take years but it’ll get there. Plus, I am enjoying this sim when it works (which is most of the time).

Are you using the rolling cache or it it disabled?
When the drop off happens, are you flying into new airports or do you generally fly in the same geographical area?

The FPS drops seems to mostly happen near airports and it could be due to the sim trying to add real-ATC traffic but issues with the servers. Manhattan definately puts my system on its knees. However, I’ve seen the issue in the middle of nowhere as well. Just not sure at this point. I have rolling cache disabled as it makes no difference for me and sometimes get photogrammetry issues when enabled.

If you have rolling cache disabled it leads me to believe that network fluctuations could be causing the drop but that doesn’t explain why it doesn’t recover.


Agree 100% but it’s really frustrating and ta my age, maybe patience is something I don’t have the years left, to accept. LOL.

Looks like it has got considerably worse now after the last update.

I need to have a break from this sim. I’m just starting to resent it. What a shame. Anyway… maybe someone has a workaround.


Agree! I just landed at Knoxville at 3 fps. I’m normally at 15-20 fps in Manahattan!

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Okay, did a bunch of testing and it seems to be any aircraft with a glass cockpit. And sometimes the performance hit starts as soon as the wheels lift from the ground. (If that means anything?)

I did a Steam “file integrity check” now and It just started downloading the whole game!!! 108 GB

I want to scream!!!

Tip for voting :slight_smile:

Well, that’s BS. Surely Steam could put a warning of some sort.

Cheers MichaMMA

or MSFS have to fix the Steam integration ;)… this is what the both companies have to find out. Each other application works in a correct “Steam way”. As example I can let Verify my DCS installation without that I have to re-download my in meanwhile 250Gig Content… but, we come off-topic :

Could not fly any aircraft with a glass cockpit without suffering the FPS performance drop.

Decided to roll back Nvidia drivers till I got to 457.51

This has stopped the sudden performance drop off I was experiencing. Unfortunately, it comes at an all round performance loss of a few FPS (± 5FPS) but for now, I can fly all the aircraft.


I really can’t figure out why the sudden drop in FR. The sim was working fine up to 3 days ago, but now not only the performance dropped, but also the A320, default not the mod, is also giving me really poor performance while on the cockpit, and with the autopilot as well. It was really working great last week and I haven’t installed any new driver and there hasn’t been any updates last week. Also, the settings keep on changing without my input, so I can’t imagine what is causing all this issues. I asked Microsoft if the are doing some small updates without publishing them, but I’m still waiting for a response. I really hate these kinds of things because is really hard to enjoy the sim with all these issues.
I’m sure someone will say “but my sim is working fine” but I’m sure this is affecting many users.

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Just a guess… Using Nvidia Experience?
If the answer is yes, disable the auto settings option. Better yet don’t use Experience. Has been known to cause issues.

Has also a FPS drop from stabilize 30 down to 20 without using Nvdia Experience