Unless my understanding of the solar system is off ,
I think there is a bug in where the sun is located.
In this situation, I am flying West to East over Greenland (toward Europe from Canada).
Current simulator date/time is 23:14 on 13-Aug-2023
According to what I think, the sun should be shining over the co-pilot (right) side of my aircraft (to the south).
However from the attached picture, it is north of me.
Thanks to all
Is that UTC or your local time? I ask as you could use something like Calculate Sun Position (rechneronline.de) and check? If that’s actually UTC then the sun might be to the North of you, being that it doesn’t set that time of year and you’re at altitude.
I find www.suncalc.org really useful in these circumstances.
You can see quite clearly that the sun rises and sets on the northern horizon at this time of year.
That’s a nicer visualization tool. About 40,000 ft would add about 3.5° on the sun’s view as well.
Thanks for sharing that tool. You learn something every day – I am glad I was wrong and not the sim
That was Local time BTW.