I have asked the developer for feedback and they didn’t have any ideas other than making sure I don’t have an add-on conflict. I removed all community folder add-ons except the Super Warrior itself and Navigraph, and I still have this issue. Stock F-18 from Asobo is OK.
Any ideas what may be wrong? The dev says this isn’t normal, so it must be something on my side.
But on the lighter side: when I saw this I could not help thinking that perhaps your aircraft got filled with “Green” SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel)… I know, I know, I am not helping here…
Hi yeah what to say I have that too but I have the impression that for me it’s less green, but I don’t think it’s a bug it’s probably his smoke system that’s like that.
Hmm. OK. It get’s “darker” the greater in altitude I fly. After takeoff, using external camera view looking behind the plane, it’s invisible. But as I climb, it becomes more and more obvious until it looks like that at higher altitudes.
The dev said my picture looked “horrible” so it’s certainly not what they are intending, and I haven’t found anything wrong on my side yet. I may just delete the effect based on a suggestion from Touching Cloud.
So I noticed something, it depends on your engine speed,
In full power, the smoke is almost not seen, but if you slow down suddenly, it can be seen,
and it is also seen at high altitude.
It doesn have to be a community folder addon. It could also be a Addon that you bought via Marketplace. It is a 99% chance of a conflict with another aircraft fx file. To eleminate all error sources you would have to disable your marketplace addons to.
Thanks. I don’t have any marketplace purchases. Third party purchases like FSDT O’Hare, Simple Traffic, and Navigraph. But I emptied those from my community folder.
When I deleted the exhaust effect directory (renamed it, actually) the effect was removed. If you turn on the acrobatic smoke, it’s completely white, so I’m going to conclude this is just how the developer currently has it coded, and if they get enough feedback, maybe they will correct the exhaust.