Support for head tracking on Xbox

This finally works for me. Thank you for the advice! :slight_smile:

In case somebody is interested I’ve used BPR2S Plus Bluetooth 5.0 + 2.4G Air Mouse. This thing does not go into sleeping mode.


Just bought one now waiting to get it. Is there any specific binding or setup you did? Anything you can share appreciated.
Question can you shift between two mouses or only one is working at the time?

For MSFS2024 I just assign a comfortable button for freelook toggling. Nothing special.

Two mouses have a conflict, so I also bougth a switched USB hub like wombleway suggested.

Hey many thanks. Just to understand what would be the conflict of having two mouses? Is it not working at all like themselves or is it a Movement conflict like looking left and the same time wanting to click something and thous not working?

You are welcome! :slight_smile:
The mouse that was connected first can work like regular. The second one still detect moving around, however the buttons click will not be detected.

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Excellent work, glad to see you’ve got it working okay! :+1:t2: Glad I’m not the only one sitting there with a mouse on his head now! :joy:

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Yeah :rofl:
Will see if someone else join the mousehead club :smirk: :joy:


:+1: Hi,
I joined the club :mouse: for MSFS2024.

I bought a remote/air mouse from Amazon for less than 20€ to try. I got a BPR2S + from Boxput. I plugged the BT dongle into a 4-port USB hub, where my mouse usually goes (wtih keyboard, controller and T.Flight One).

With FS2024, there is nothing to configure. For the remote control, just insert two AAA batteries. Since the dongle is already paired with the remote control, there is absolutely nothing to do, just plug the dongle into a USB port on the XBox. I tried with my XBox S but not yet with my Series X (there is no reason why it should not work).

The mouse is well recognized by the Xbox, I can point the cursor correctly and the buttons work.

However, it does not work to direct the view :disappointed_relieved:, but that is normal at the moment. I am using the standard version of MSFS and not the Beta. In this version, the mouse pointing is totally bugged and should be fixed in SU1. I will just wait for SU1 to come out to continue testing.

The cap is original, when I used TrackIR on PC with FSX :wink:.

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Great! Welcome! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The bug with mouse is already fixed in beta and for sure will be in SU1.