SWS kodiak 100 flight-model 3 problem

I am a pure-gamer-newbie who bought the SWS kodiak just 3 days ago and have flown it about 10 times so far.
As for my thoughts…

  1. The Kodiak’s center of gravity is incorrect if there is weight in the luggage compartment at the back of the cabin.
    When msfs2020 has one pilot and nine passengers on board, the weight is distributed to the luggage compartment in addition to the passenger seat, making takeoff impossible due to the wrong center of gravity.

  2. When taking off from the runway, the Kodiak must have a VS value of 400 ft/min or less. If the VS value is larger than this, the speed will not increase. Because of this, it cannot reach 90kias, its altitude drops, and it eventually falls.

  3. When landing on the runway, no matter how much I fine-tune the throttle, the Kodiak doesn’t go through the Vapp and Vref speed phases. The Kodiak will immediately slow down to Vso. Therefore, if you force the throttle up and down to create Vapp and Vref speeds, landing will become extremely unstable. Just let the speed drop to Vso. You only need to touch down before Vso.

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same thing form, thanks to describe it precisely, it s no more a plane i like…

Flight model is borked right now, you aren’t wrong. Not a pure gamer newbie. Frustrating, just bought this, and am second guessing the purchase. Bump.

Update: per the original post, if you keep any weight out’ve the baggage it works fine.