"T.flight HOTAS One" bugs and mapping correction list - Do this first for PC

I purchased the MSFS 2024 version of this contoller on 25th Nov. 2024.

I had many issues that would have been solved, bar one, by visiting Thurstmaster.

This may be relevant for all T.Flight HOTAS One with MSFS2024…

  1. Get the latest T.Flight drivers, the “2024” versions…

Download and run the file:
Drivers - Package 2024_TFHT_1 + Firmware [System Requirement: Windows® 10 / 11

  1. Next fix the throttle/rudder double mapping bug…
  1. I had the issue that the twist of the joystick was now controlling rudder but the two buttons on the throttle were not controlling the trim.

FIX: For PC, turn off the light above the X button below the joystick. If the light is on then it is considered as an x-box controller and the bumpers will control the rudder.

Pressing the X button to turn off the light and have the switch flicked to PC now lets you use the bumpers on the throttle for the trim.

  1. This is Thrustmasters instructions on remapping other keys…
  1. I found this youtube channel useful to go through each button and its default mapping…

I hope these help you with your new controller.

I still can’t get above 50% for landings lol.

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Thank you so much!

Thanks, just downloaded 2024 so this wll be a great help.

I did all this and now the following is happening: Free normal flight are without any issues but starting the first mission the rudder isnt working again…so I am unable to even start the mission.
Such a silly issue for such a great game. Hope they fix this soonisch.