I purchased the MSFS 2024 version of this contoller on 25th Nov. 2024.
I had many issues that would have been solved, bar one, by visiting Thurstmaster.
This may be relevant for all T.Flight HOTAS One with MSFS2024…
- Get the latest T.Flight drivers, the “2024” versions…
Download and run the file:
Drivers - Package 2024_TFHT_1 + Firmware [System Requirement: Windows® 10 / 11
- Next fix the throttle/rudder double mapping bug…
- I had the issue that the twist of the joystick was now controlling rudder but the two buttons on the throttle were not controlling the trim.
FIX: For PC, turn off the light above the X button below the joystick. If the light is on then it is considered as an x-box controller and the bumpers will control the rudder.
Pressing the X button to turn off the light and have the switch flicked to PC now lets you use the bumpers on the throttle for the trim.
- This is Thrustmasters instructions on remapping other keys…
- I found this youtube channel useful to go through each button and its default mapping…
I hope these help you with your new controller.
I still can’t get above 50% for landings lol.