T.Flight HOTAS One Default Configuration

I’m using the Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS One and all is well except for the Trims.

It says these are bound to the Joystick Slider X- (Up) and X+ (Down).

Anyone know what a Joystick Slider is ? I thought it might be the rudder switch on the back of the throttle but that is bound to the rudder and so is the Joystick Z (twist). The configuration says that it should only be Joystick Z for the rudder so it’s pretty confusing !!!

I have this as well, but am not using the trim (use my keyboard for that). You can map literally any button though… have you not tried scanning and just choosing the button from the drop-down menu?

Check with the Game Controller properties. You will see Slider as an axis there. Then just move levers/buttons in your joystick to see which one it is.

The Wheel on the left side of the Throttle adjusts trim.

I have the hotas 4 but same issue. I think the problem is that its configured by default to assume we also have the thrustmaster pedals. (I dont). Because of that, I dont think we have those slider X up and down buttons. I think that because if you run the Thrustmaster Control Panel, under properties it shows slider 1 under the pedals Axis. Havent figured out what I should remap that to… yet.

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I don’t have a wheel on my throttle,
so what can I do now?

I was incorrect. The default sensitivity is just way lower than I anticipated. On a Hotas X|1|4 the two large rocker buttons on the backside of the throttle are your slider 0 / Trim. The best way to verify you’re adjusting your trip is hit and go to third person view. You’ll see the trim bottom right on the training aircraft.

On the throttle it’s the axis right under where your left pinky when you have it resting on the throttle. It’s not a good mapping for pitch trim and I have absolutely no idea why they decided to use that as a default as 90% of aircraft has trim adjusters either on a rotary dial or on buttons on the yoke. I remap mine to the hat switch on the joystick since I don’t use it for looking around since I have a TrackIR.

Edit: I misread. I thought you had the T1600m HOTAS FCS kit like I do. I digress through, the rest of the content of my reply still stands!

You need to ensure your in 5/8 axis mode or the slider functions as rudder