Hello everybody:
Does anyone that has a Thrustmaster TCA Boeing, could please tell me what is the maximum extension of the yoke clamp, that needs to be able to mount onto the table?
I’m not sure if i’m gonna be able to do use it, due to my table’s thickness.
Thx in advance.
I’ve got a friend that bought the TM table clamp for that unit, and he said it’s advertised to fit up to 2 inches. But he also said it’s 2 inches exactly and won’t fit 2.1 inches!
What I need to know is how many centimeters are in the red line.
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See this. It has all dimensions specified:
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Thx Nixon!!!.
Yep… it seems i’m out of luck… Max is 2.7 inch / 5cm… and my table it starts with a 2cm lip (1 cm depth) and then it goes down 8cm more.
Probably gonna need to buy some wood plank + C-Clamps and make a study platform to mount it.
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